10 December 2012

Tuggeranong will not yield to Gungahlin in Christmas horror stakes

| johnboy
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davidsitsky has shared with YouTube:

Christmas Lights at Bissenberger Crescent

Let me know if you see anything more elaborate.

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chewy14 said :

watto23 said :

i’m waiting for ACA or TT to do a piece on this households rise in electricity bills compared to last year ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, they had nearly an identical set up last year so I don’t think usage would have changed much.

I don’t begrudge them their hobby at all. If thats what they like to do, I can see many benefits to them doing it. A lot of people enjoy it and I think anything gets people together for something that is meant to be good is a good thing.

It was more a stab at the rubbish journalism that goes on due to electricity price rises, admittedly though mine did rise.

Pork Hunt said :

poetix said :

I do love your headlines…

And I wonder what Jesus would make of all this.

Turn the other cheek?

Christ knows?

Does anyone else find the whole thing disturbing? There’s something disquieting about all those random toys spread around and the garish lights. I don’t know if I find it horrific; it’s more that something’s not quite right.

I imagine it’s the same feeling as having a migraine about to start. Or when you have a hangover so bad that you only remember things that happened in flashes. I know I may be flamed, but it really makes me shudder.

poetix said :

I do love your headlines…

And I wonder what Jesus would make of all this.

Turn the other cheek?

watto23 said :

i’m waiting for ACA or TT to do a piece on this households rise in electricity bills compared to last year ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, they had nearly an identical set up last year so I don’t think usage would have changed much.

I do love your headlines…

And I wonder what Jesus would make of all this.

muscledude_oz3:23 pm 10 Dec 12

I’m taking the camera there tonight …

i’m waiting for ACA or TT to do a piece on this households rise in electricity bills compared to last year ๐Ÿ™‚

You have to admire the time and effort that went into this setup, but wow, what a horribly garish mess. It looks like a Toys R Us store exploded and they covered it in LED lights!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how it is done.

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