25 March 2013

Underground: The Julian Assange Story - cinema launch Thurs 4 April

| janecb

Underground is the story of Julian Assange’s exploits as a teenage computer hacker in Melbourne, and his youthful commitment to revealing the truth about the world, power and injustice.

Following the screening there will be a Q&A session with writer/director Robert Connolly, actor Alex Williams (Julian Assange), Christine Assange (Julian’s mother) and Sam Castro (co-founder of the Wikileaks Australian Citizens Alliance).

All attendees will receive a package of extra content, including a director’s commentary, behind the scenes featurettes, screenplays, music from the soundtrack, photographs, and extracts from the book.

You can book your tickets at http://www.undergroundthemovie.com.au/

4 April 7pm
Palace Electric Cinema

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