We have an update from Dan Miller on the previous RiotACT post about the Petition to End Election Sign Madness.
Last Thursday afternoon I visited the ACT Legislative Assembly to attend the Select Committee on the 2016 ACT election and Electoral Act.
It was a good opportunity to share, with the joint committee members, the ideas mentioned in our petition to reduce the number of signs used in ACT elections.
I’d like to thank the members for the questions they asked and for the opportunity to participate in the discussion.
A hot topic of debate was the issue of inequality in the current rules that see no restrictions on numbers of electoral advertising signs. It was curious to see the topic of equality was the one that gained the most interest.
Fingers crossed the members consider the issue in the broader context of all the people of the ACT and not just in the isolated context of electoral candidates themselves.
That is, if we are going to have rules regarding advertising signs in the ACT, let’s have the same rules for everyone.
No individual group, especially not our government representatives, should have their own set of rules that are less restrictive than everyone else. Should they?
I’d like to think that, in 2017 and beyond, the rules and laws of the place I live were the same for everybody, wouldn’t you?
The petition remains open for the public to view and sign.
What do you think? Should the ACT Government update the rules so there is a reduction on the number of election signs allowed?