Nerriga Progress & Sporting Association Incorporated receives $5,900 for the Nerriga Hall footpath project. Photo: Alex Rea.
The Veolia Mulwaree Trust has announced the organisations for their successful grant and donation applications in the latest round of Trust funding.
45 community organisations will undertake a wide range of projects across the region after receiving assistance from the Veolia Mulwaree Trust.
The objective of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust is to provide Grant Funding and Donations for the benefit of the community of the former Mulwaree Shire Council area, or a community within a Council area immediately surrounding or adjoining former Mulwaree Shire Council area in Southern NSW. The Veolia Mulwaree Trust specifically covers the local government areas of Goulburn Mulwaree Council, former Palerang Council, Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Oberon Council, Wingecarribee Shire Council, Wollondilly Shire Council and Shoalhaven City Council.
The 21 successful Veolia Mulwaree Trust grant recipients are:
- Table Tennis Goulburn Incorporated to install a disabled toilet at sporting facility – $7,500
- Goulburn West Public School for installation of new primary playground equipment – $29,681
- Tarago Sporting Association Incorporated for the development of TSAI Memorial Park – $60,513
- Upper Lachlan Shire Council to construct a new Clifton Park toilet block in Crookwell – $45,082
- Bigga Hall 355 Committee to assist with the Bigga Hall beautification project – $14,248
- Laggan Memorial Hall Trust for the Laggan Memorial Hall tea room and hall furnishing – $5,000
- Breadalbane Hall and Park Committee to construct the north patio at Breadalbane Hall – $7,855
- Nerriga Progress & Sporting Association Incorporated for the Nerriga Hall footpath project – $5,900
- Braidwood Showground 355 Committee to replace the main showground arena boundary fence – $9,496

Braidwood Showground 355 Committee to replace the main showground arena boundary fence – $9,496. Photo: Alex Rea.
- Bungendore Branch Country Women’s Association for the Hall upgrade and kitchen replacement – $7,823
- Moss Vale Pony Club to refurbish the arena and upgrade equipment – $15,990
- Exeter Village Association Incorporated for enhancement of the Exeter War Memorial – $3,850
- Milton Ulladulla Model Railway Club’s South Coast Railway History Museum construction project – $18,000
- Milton District Branch Country Women’s Association for heating and insulation of Milton CWA hall- $5,208
- Huskisson Community Centre for the construction of new internal storage cupboard- $3,200
- Milton Ulladulla Men’s Shed Incorporated to assist with the final stage of new shed construction- $29,736
- The Oaks Historical Society for the kitchenette upgrade project – $5,856
- St Marks Anglican Church Picton to assist with the Pioneer Cemetery restoration – $15,640
- Picton District Branch Country Women’s Association to assist with transport and signage – $2,489
- Tahmoor District Cricket Club’s new practice and playing facilities at Tahmoor Sports Ground – $30,725
- Jindelara Services Incorporated to purchase new equipment for Jindelara Cottage – $1,424
The following 34 community organisations were successful in receiving donations (small projects to a maximum of $1000) in the latest funding round:
- Crossroads Rural Fire Brigade to purchase a high-pressure cleaner $499
- Goulburn Workers Small Bore Rifle Club Inc to upgrade the Small Bore Range – $1,000
- Lions Club of Crookwell Inc to purchase a computer to assist in maintaining Club’s financial records – $1,000
- Shoalhaven Defence Families Association Incorporated assistance in operating Kookaburra Retreat – $1,000
- Nowra Albatross Vikings AFL Club to purchase of equipment to make 2018 season female-friendly – $1,000
- Golden Oldies Animal Rescue to provide veterinary care, transport and support to animal foster carers – $1,000
- Milton/Ulladulla Stamp Club to update copy of world stamp catalogue – $670
- Goulburn District Beekeepers Club to purchase equipment for public displays – $1,000
- South Coast United Mountain Bikers Incorporated for new signage to improve safety at local trails – $1,000
- St Nick’s Patchwork Group to purchase materials to complete quilts for local charity – $1,000
- Yanderra Public School to create games painted on the concrete for children to play and learn – $1,000
- Anglican Parish of Braidwood to replace guttering at St Stephen’s Church Major’s Creek – $1,000
- Shoalhaven Netball Association assistance for teams attending the Netball State Championships – $1,000
- Monaro Archers – Bungendore to purchase targets and maintenance equipment – $1,000
- Girl Guides Association NSW Bowral Trefoil Guild support for celebrations to mark 70th anniversary – $800
- Goulburn Soldiers Social Dance Club Inc support for hall hire to allow group activities to continue -$1,000
- New Dalton Community & District Association to commence rehabilitation of area in Dalton – $1,000
- Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway Inc to refurbish the group’s historic plough van – $1,000
- Friends of Hill Top War Memorials Inc to supply new tables for the War Memorial Hall – $1,000
- Milton Pony Club to clear western and eastern club boundary and renew external fencing – $1,000
- Southern Tablelands Athletics Club Inc to buy equipment such as hurdles, shotput, javelin and discus -$1,000
- Tahmoor District Netball Club to purchase an enclosed trailer to store equipment -$1,000
- Bigga Public School P & C Association to purchase new reader books for students – $1,000
- Peanuts Funny Farm Inc to supply educational equipment about rural living and fire awareness -$1,000
- Wingello Village Association Incorporated to purchase screening plants for Railway Parade Wingello – $1,000
- Shoalhaven Heads Public School P&C Association for installation of irrigation and flooring in greenhouse – $690
- Shoalhaven Parkinson’s Support Group-Nowra to support ongoing costs of exercise programmes -$1,000
- Picton & District Historical and Family History Society to purchase new equipment – $1,000
- Berrima District Pony Club to update and repair show jumping equipment and cross country jumps -$1,000
- Shoalhaven Rowing Club to develop safety awareness program for Club’s towers and river users – $1,000
- Robertson Men’s Shed Inc to clear area of trees and shrubs to allow for the construction of men’s shed – $1,000
- Goulburn and District Arts and Crafts Inc to support creative needles group to make quilts for charity – $1,000
- Gunning District Landcare to purchase a single tyne ripper for preparing ground for native tree lines – $670
- Crookwell Christmas in the Park Committee to support for Crookwell’s annual Christmas event -$1,000
The Veolia Mulwaree Trust is pleased to support the above organisations and wishes them all the best with the successful completion of their projects.
Applications for round 2 of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust’s 2018 grant and donation program will open on Monday 2 July 2018. Organisations interested in applying to the Veolia Mulwaree Trust for support for their community projects should visit the Trust’s website at www.mulwareetrust.org.au or phone the Trust office on 48222786 for further information.