“From the moment I announce my entry into politics, it’s a race against the clock to see if I can get enough votes before I am cancelled,” Randy said. Photo: Little Train Creative/Oliver Riera.
If there’s one thing Randy Feltface has learnt on his world tour, it’s that everyone has a problem when it comes to politics.
His new show coming to the Canberra Theatre Centre on 5 August, Feltopia, began its stint in the UK before travelling across Europe and the US.
“The whole tour has been an absolute delight, not a s–t crowd in sight,” Randy said.
When Region asked if he had to change much of the act to suit the international crowds, Randy said he only adjusted the local references. In preparation for his show in the ACT, Randy has been combing through the WhatsApp group that all comedians in Australia use so they can throw local references in for every town they visit.
“So far I have: Belconnen; Space Needle; Woden; ‘What’s going on with binge-drinking in Civic?’; Tuggeranong; Annerley? wait no that’s in Queensland; Kambah …”
“Here’s a good one. You know Canberra is built on a Hellmouth? Apparently, if you look at it from the air, all the points line up to form a giant pentagram.
“One day the demons are going to finally rise up and consume the city in a fiery, orgasmic apocalypse.”
Before the end of times, Randy is planning to discuss with the people of Canberra how he is toying with the idea of quitting comedy and entering politics. He said the show’s theme of political conceit allows him to capture 68 minutes of non-stop self-effacing hilarity into one ‘flimsy’ narrative framework.
“I’m throwing out all of the most controversial policies I can, in order to make the planet a little bit of a nicer place to exist upon. But I’m doubtful as to whether or not I’ll reach the upper echelons of government before I am unceremoniously dragged through the mud by the press.”
However, the show isn’t all about politics. Randy also shares a horrible interaction he had on a bus, which he’d prefer to keep off the public record. He also talks about his most recent trial of the heart at the hands of a ‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’, which Randy describes as every female protagonist in a 90s teen movie.
“Multi-coloured hair, twitch streaming, cosplay, cupcake baking; the kind of stuff I didn’t realise my very sweet and nerdy crowd relates to a fair bit.
“I think I inadvertently fell in love with one of the members of my audience.”
Following his national marathon, Randy will be going to Canada and then closing the tour in the US before coming back to Australia and working on a new television series he’s working on called Squatting with the Stars.
“It’s a sort of variety show where I get celebrities to come on and see how many squats they can do, while the audience pelts them with rotten vegetables.”
Randy Feltface’s show Feltopia is on at the Canberra Theatre Centre on Saturday 5 August at 7 pm.