Seemingly as part of the ongoing destruction of the Corbell Legacy our Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, John Hargreaves, has announced that he’s adding an extra week to the public submissions period of the draft ACT Parking Strategy.
One imagines that a heavy hitter has specifically asked for more time to do their submission.
I was, however, intrigued by this piece of reasoning:
“Planning for future car parking needs is a complex issue. Climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is clearly one of the biggest concerns facing the community. The Government must balance that critical issue with the need to ensure community and business requirements are adequately addressed.”
We’re ripping out the parking and beggaring Civic businesses for a warm fuzzy on greenhouse??
UPDATED: The ABC has the stunning news that Bob McMullan thinks shifting Government departments around is the answer, no word on what he wants done with all the office space which has been built. Public housing?