Zed Seselja will participate in Region Media‘s live Senate candidate debate. Photo: Cassandra Choake.
In a fraught election race where candidates of all stripes are promising they have what it takes to win the second ACT Senate spot, what questions do you want to ask the candidates?
Region Media has gathered together the six top ranked Senate candidates for the only public debate that brings them all together on the same stage.
The debate includes sitting ACT Senators Zed Seselja and Katy Gallagher. Tjanara Goreng Goreng from the Greens, independents Kim Rubenstein and David Pocock and James Savoulides from the United Australia Party will also be on stage.
The candidates have been chosen on the basis of their polling.
The ACT race also includes candidates from the Sustainable Australia Party, the Australian Progressives, the Legalise Cannabis Australia, Animal Justice Party and Informed Medical Options Party. Candidate Dr Fuxin Li will also contest the election.
We’ll broadcast the debate live via Facebook on Tuesday 3 May at 5 pm.
The candidates won’t be making speeches and they’ve been given no advance warning of the questions, which will focus strongly on Canberra issues.
So what questions will you ask? We’ll have a live audience but the Facebook stream will also be open and we’ll have a moderator onsite to feed questions through to group editor Genevieve Jacobs.
For now, we’re keen to know what matters most to ordinary Canberra voters. Is it cost of living? Integrity? The economy? Climate change?
We’re looking for questions about your everyday life, remembering that this is a Federal election rather than an ACT local election.
The Federal Government doesn’t make decisions about where light rail goes next, or staffing levels at the Canberra Hospital, but our Federal representatives do influence matters like the local infrastructure spend and the Territory’s rights to make our own laws.
What questions do you want to ask? Tell us in the comments below and tune in at 5 pm.