10 June 2006

Whats the story with the Telegraph?

| kimba
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Today’s Daily Telegraph again hammers Jon Stanhope with a front-page story headline “This Fool Gets a Payrise”….BTW they are talking about Stanhope – picture and all.

Of course Thursday’s headline was ‘STANHOPE-LESS…The economic vandal whore disgraced Government has declared war on Canberra.’

I have never seen ACT politics get such coverage from a Sydney media outlet.

This poses the question – is the Telegraph just doing what the Canberra Times doesn’t have the balls to do (Times may lose advertising from Stanhope’s Government) or is the Telegraph looking at taking some of the market in Canberra from the Telegraph?

I noted in Saturday’s Telegraph edition that they also take fire at the Times’ Editorial “School closures are essential” (9/6/06).

What does all this mean for Nero Stanhope?

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You’ll actually find that News Corp Papers globally are becoming more active in attacking non conservative governments particuarlly in the tabloids. The Times, one of the UK’s most esteimed papers is begining to follow this line as well and heading towards more tabloid style journalism.

i still read the age most days. by accident the newsagent delivered the tele on sunday instead of the ct. it was crapola. still, the sunday ct is also crapola. at least its local crapola and i get a neat tv guide.

I would prefer a wholly Sydney (or Melbourne)-oriented paper to the Canberra Times. The Canberra Times is a like a crap community paper, reporting on the “guild president” Jon Stanhope and his idealistic/naive social schemes, but the paper wants to feel superior by remaining a broadsheet. Its not worth the trouble of folding it to read and certainly not worth the money. It should be tabloid and free like all other community rags.

The telegraph is bought in large numbers in this district, unfortuntaely. Just adding local coverage to appease the fools who buy this paper down here.

The Tele having a go at the ACT government probably has a lot more to do with them having a go at any government which looks vaguely progressive. You can certainly bet that if it were The Liberal Party giving themselves a pay rise or closing schools , there would be no where near the same fuss made by The Telegraph.

Didn’t the SMH try a special Canberra edition one day a week, some years back?
I certainly prefer it to the CT. And the SMH’s website is excellent: the CT one is breathtakingly pathetic.

John Laws did cover the school closures, and linked this to ‘deceiving’ the Sydney poluplace with Jon Stanhope’s campaign to bring people to Canberra for work and golden opportunities. closing 39 schools is a fairly big story.

as opposed to that bastion of intellectual gigantism, the Canberra Times? The so called higher education levels of this town have nothing to do with the Tele’s circulation. Its a Sydney paper, that may be the key

I’d say the SMH would have higher readership in canberra, and it’s also a sydney paper. The Daily Telegraph is just a really shitty paper.

“Today’s Daily Telegraph again hammers Jon Stanhope with a front-page story headline “This Fool Gets a Payrise”….BTW they are talking about Stanhope – picture and all.

Of course Thursday’s headline was ‘STANHOPE-LESS…The economic vandal whore disgraced Government has declared war on Canberra.’”

Thanks for the Heads Up Kimba – The Times has about run it’s course for me – not just editorially but the so called ‘Sales Consultants’ as well – they appear more inept than their journalistic colleagues.

“crap journalism marketed top appeal to the dim of wit and intellectually poor”

as opposed to that bastion of intellectual gigantism, the Canberra Times? The so called higher education levels of this town have nothing to do with the Tele’s circulation. Its a Sydney paper, that may be the key

Yup here in Canberra we get a regional edition of the paper (usually the first print run in order to get it delivered in time — which means the Teles here about John Brogden had the story about how he’s a terrible man, not about hisw attempted suicide). You can tell this because they put Canberra, Wollongong and newcastle social pics in the back of the Sunday paper. Mostly I think that’s the only difference, though obviously the stories about Stanhope are too.

Yep. In order for the Tele-Sydney-Graph to sell here, they’d have to stop using the word “Canberra” as a synonym for “evil lazy author-of-our-woes fatcats rich” every 5 words.

Tabloid press will always have a market, including in Canberra, but Canberra would probably offer it the smallest market possible.

Maybe it’s reality check time. The Tele’s articles on the ACT Govt. are only on the first two pages – and he rates no mention in the Sydney edition. People dumb enough to actually buy the Tele here get a ‘special’ ACT edition – it’s just about improving sales. The Tele has traditionally not been a good seller her, largly due to the higher education levels amongst the Canberra population, so the paper essentially gets recognised for what it is – crap journalism marketed top appeal to the dim of wit and intellectually poor.

The CT doesnt have the balls. They have shown their true political colours on many occasions with their lefty agenda, they dare not poop in their own nest.

For Standope it means the rest of the country is progressively catching on to his and his government’s ineptitude

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