7 February 2011

Where can I get my watch battery replaced?

| ps0104
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My watch has died and I need to get the battery replaced before I jump on a plane this afternoon.

Where can I get it done in Civic pronto?

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wow, perhaps a watch repair place? theres one in the middle of canberra centre.

If its a common sized battery, you could buy one from hot dollar/top bargain and do it yourself

luther_bendross4:17 pm 07 Feb 11

Don’t stress, there’s a watch repair joint at the new airport terminal. Just relax, get there at your normal time and have a coffee while they fix your watch. When you get back to Canberra, report back to us on their service for the maximum lulz.

Mmmmm watch batter. My personal favourite.

High Time in the middle of the Canberra Centre (the original bit) at the bottom of the escalators, I think battery & installation cost me about $10

I do pick up watch battery replacements. I will come to your work, exchange the battery on your watch right there on the spot. Can’t get any better service than that.

I do have a call out fee of $195 and most watches can be done for $4 (GST Included)


Of all the “where can I get X?” threads, surely this has to be the lamest.

Try a jeweller. Any jeweller. If the jeweller you try won’t do it, try another.

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