You don’t have to have been lurking around RA to notice a very common theme of posts ranting about the crazy/stupid/downright dangerous acts of driving on Canberra’s roads.
My question is- WHY?
Why are people so stupid on the road here? Why did my insurance premiums increase by almost 50% when moving here from interstate due to ‘higher rates of claim’? Why do I never feel safe driving to work? Why can people drive perfectly fine (on the whole) in other places, but not in Canberra?
This point was hammered home to me in the past few days. I have just returned to Canberra after spending 2 weeks in Brisbane. I did a hefty amount of driving in this time, all over Brisbane and to the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Sure, the traffic is much worse in Brisbane, but on the whole, people drove safely, were curteous to other drivers and left plenty of room between themselved and other cars.
I’ve been back three days and I have already witnessed one accident, driven past 2 others, been tailgated more times than I can count, been cut off by people cutting across lanes, not indicating etc etc etc. The difference between the two cities is profound. We all know Canberra drivers are useless in the rain but isnt that even more reason to take it easy?
So why is this the case? Why is it so bad in Canberra? Is it a lack of policing? Is it a lack of driver training? Is it poor roads? Or are people just plain dumb?
Rant over.