Chief Minister Gallagher is having a busy morning and amongst other things is calling for public comment on the Albert Hall’s draft plan of management.
“There is a need to balance the heritage of the Hall with ensuring it can be hired by a range of people in the ACT community. Albert Hall is a significant heritage site in the ACT, but it is also a unique and esteemed venue for individual, community and commercial events. We are interested in hearing what people value about the building and site, and what facilities should be included to ensure it is functional for a broad range of users.
The draft Plan of Management has been developed following a study by heritage consultants into the constraints and opportunities for Albert Hall, as well as community consultation last year which included input from a reference group, a web forum, community workshop and stakeholder interviews.
More music and less rug sales I say.
The Time To Talk website has a page for it, comments close 20 July 2012.
[Photo from September 2008]