Sunday lunchtime in Garema Place was interrupted by about 100 protestors marching by with megaphones and half-hearted chanting. They sported aboriginal flags, banners on such subjects as “No Blood For Oil”, “Socialist Alliance”, they were waving copies of Resistance and Green Left Weekly. They were chanting anti-Bush/Howard slogans and looking for all the world like a generic anti-war protest.
Fortunately the banner at the front revealed the cause to be “Stop the War on Civil Liberties” and the Greens banner also said “Oppose Secret Police Law”.
So a highly admirable civil rights protest, the sort of thing I, or even my parents, might be tempted to join, was swallowed up with a vast number of mixed messages sure to alienate, in one respect or another, pretty much everyone not totally signed up to Right-On leftist dogma.
One message at a time and you might get somewhere.