Now I’m sure I have seen this topic mentioned on RA previously (and of course I could not find the link), but the next time a stranger holding a folder comes up to me in Garema Place saying “How are you, can I just ask you one question?” I am going to deck them. Ususally I just say “no thanks” or “you already asked me one question” but I am just so fed up with how bad it is getting!
When I am walking through Garema Place is it just me? Do I have some invisible sign on my forehead stating “please bother me during my short and precious lunch break or when I am tired and just want to get to my car to go home and veg after a long stressful day at work”? Or is there just a never ending supply of idiots who like to bother people for their “good cause”.
Please don’t think that I am against any charities or the save the rainforests, etc type of appeals. I actually donate very generously every year to a number of charities. But seriously, is there not a better way of making people aware of a particular issue? Put a poster/billboard up. Set up a stall and let people who have the time and are in the mood for it come to you. Organise a fun and appealing fundraising event. Talk to the media.
Just walking through Garema Place you will see the general public walking in zigzags to avoid being harrased and when they do get cornered, just walk around the person to get away. The last few weeks have even seen them emerge out to carparks and the interchange to harass people! This is ridiculous! I really think that I will have to start wearing a t-shirt that says “leave me alone, i dont care and i dont want to answer your one stupid question” everytime I go out in public!
Anyone else have any good deterrent suggestions?