Greetings Rioters,
A good friend and ACTION bus driver just sent this through to me. If you are able to help by collecting passanger signatures please contact Dan or attend the meeting this Sunday. If you are approached to give your signature please do so in support of your local drivers.
Dearest Rads,
From monday 24th of may ACTION bus drivers in canberra are launching a 7 day fare strike. We are being asked to accept a raft of changes that include a payrise lower than inflation (a pay cut).A complicated set of changes to our part time to fulltime ratio that mean drivers will be precariously employed for longer and be exposed to highly variable hours from 4 to 10 hours week to week to budget around. And that we be forced to work weekend shifts without penalty.
The latest network we are operating sees the average service run for 90 mintutes with an average turnaround time at 5 minutes.
Thats five minutes to unload, secure the bus, use the bathroom, check for lost property, pull up on platform load passengers and depart for another 90 minute run. When you put a human into this
formula you have unsafe and undignified work practices, national driving guidelines require 10 minutes break from the wheel every two hours for safety, especially important for us who carry precious cargo. Dignity requires drivers be allowed to use the toilet, time pressures on drivers have resulted in many drivers soiling themselves on the job, mostly unreported for obvious reasons.Our demands are modest but our resolve is not. We demand that our annual pay rise remain at 4% over the next three years. That ACTION make our shifts conform to national driving standards, a 10 minute break every 2 hours of driving. Finally that our hard fought conditions of employ are carried over unaltered.
At moments when workers strike politics become very simple. You can suck the bosses scaly iguana on the sidelines by doing nothing, you can act the spineless scumbag scab or act in solidarity with your fellow workers. I call a WSN meeting in canberra at the phoenix pub at 1pm on sunday the day before we kick our strike off.
Proposed and will be organised prior are a petition and a contact list for a protest action in support of our campaign for members to ride on buses to collect names and details of passengers throughout the 7 days. Availability in peak mornings are desirable to join a driver on shift, please feel free to contact me during the week through this channel if your keen or have questions, suggestions. Which side are you on? A working class hero is something to be.
Warmest Solidarity,
PS. If you aren’t a canberra resident or are housebound please send hatemail/abuse in support of the strikers to the following places.
— the chief minister jon stanhope
Phone: (02) 6205 0104
Fax: (02) 6205 0433— Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS)
Postal Address
GPO Box 158
Canberra ACT 2601
Online Contact link from
Contact Numbers
Phone (24hrs) 13 22 81 (ACT and NSW residents only)
Phone (24hrs) (02) 6207 5111 (For callers outside NSW/ACT)
Phone (TTY) (02) 6207 0494
Phone (TIS) 13 14 50— ACTION buses
By email:
By telephone:
Call 13 17 10 or (02) 6207 7611 outside the ACT.
Hours of Operation:
7am to 8pm Monday to Friday
8am to 8pm Saturday
9am to 5pm Sunday and Public Holidays
9am to 1pm Christmas Day
By Post:
GPO Box 158
Canberra City ACT 2601
AustraliaPPS. please forward to anyone worth a squirt of piss.