RiotACT Paintball
One Last Push to Encourage you all to turn up
You wont get a better deal on paintball than this.
Date: Sunday 18 June 06
Where: Tuggeranong Pines, Old Tuggeranong Rd, Monaro Hwy (Map 99 in your Yellow Pages)
Cost: $50 per person to play all day plus upto 400 balls free
Time: 9.30 sign up 10.00 Games begin
You get 200 balls free plus 100 if you mention RiotACT plus another 100 if you pre-pay before Saturday 10 June 06.
Beer and Pizzas provided at the end of the day so sit back and relax while showing off your best bruises.
Turn up on the day and we can put you in a team led by your favorite RiotACT personality, or just gang up on us and shoot the bejezus out of JB.
Games start at 10!
Contact: Mob: 0419-267-792 Office 02-6262 4242 Fax 02-6262 4141
Email to enter or ring 6262 4242 between 7pm and 10pm for more details
UPDATE: Dont forget to get your measely $50 payment in before this Saturday 10 Jun (ie today or tomorrow) to get the the 100 extra free balls. For payment details give Keiran a call on 0419-267-792 and you can either net bank or pay by credit card. Remeber to include RIOTACT in your payment details for the other 100 free balls. See you on the field, I’ll be the one covered in paint and bruises and smiling from ear to ear, or will that be Blamemonkey?