[First filed: February 13, 2007 @ 12:18]
Interesting, back at the start of the month John Hargreaves put out a media release announcing the development application for the replacement Tharwa bridge had been lodged.
“Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, John Hargreaves, today announced that a development application and a preliminary assessment report have been submitted for the new bridge at Tharwa.
“ACT Planning and Land Authority will make available the documents for public inspection, in accordance with the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 and will receive written public objections or comments.”
Now Brendan Smyth in another media release says this is not so:
“We have now confirmed that, as at close of business on Monday, 12 February 2007, this is not the case: a development application for the new bridge has not yet been lodged with the ACT Planning and Land Authority,”
Another egregious cockup? Or a plan to mislead?
UPDATED: John Hargreaves appears to have been taking lessons from his master in the use of “The Angry Voice” he’s put out a blistering media release announcing that the application has in fact been submitted.
“The suggestion that the Development Application for the Tharwa Bridge had not been submitted is absolutely incorrect. The Development Application was submitted on January 17th 2007.
“It is disturbing that as a former Planning Minister, Mr Smyth does not have an understanding of the ACT planning process. This is either incompetence or gross mischief at the expense of the Tharwa community.
Which makes the bit down the page a touch confusing:
“Roads ACT is currently working with the ACT Planning and Land Authority to finalise the complex details of the project.”
So they’re still working on completing the application after all?