Canberra has its characters and its most popular haunts – and Region loves telling their stories. Here’s a look back at the ACT region’s unique lifestyle in 2024 and a dozen of the stories that had you clicking.
12. Lake George hasn’t been this full for this long since the 1960s – why is that?
by James Coleman

Lake George was this full in 1990 and 1976, but only for those years. Photo: James Coleman.
There’s been a lot of water in Lake George for three years now, to the point windsurfers are often out there. But how long will it stay this way? Professor Brad Pillans from the ANU has some ideas.
11. Ex-newsreader ‘Robbo’ on 1980s fame, the Jolimont Siege, the Raiders’ heyday and post-celebrity life
by Oliver Jacques

Greg ‘Robbo’ Robson went from weatherman to sports reporter to news anchor. Photo: Supplied.
Former newsreader Greg ‘Robbo’ Robson was the most well-known Canberran in the late 1980s, according to a survey by lobbyist Richard Farmer.
His career rise coincided with a golden era in the capital – the longtime breakfast radio host became a TV sports reporter when the Raiders were winning premierships and then graduated to lead news anchor at a time when we had hour-long local evening TV bulletins.
During his tenure, he delivered Canberra the news of John Lennon’s assassination, Australia’s America Cup win and Princess Diana’s death. He also hosted the Birdman Rally and became news himself when he was trapped in his radio studio while a gunman laid siege to the Jolimont Centre, a tragedy he reported on during the evening TV bulletin.
10. There’s a new type of boat available for hire on Lake Burley Griffin (and you can’t miss it)

The Love Boat on Lake Burley Griffin. Photo: James Coleman.
This is what Lake Burley Griffin is for. Not looking at. Not walking around. Heaven forbid swimming in. Nope. Floating on, while sitting back and sipping a cold one.
‘Love Boats’ is the lake’s newest arrival, and from where I am – on board one, with a glossy wooden wheel in hand, faux captain’s hat on head and plush vinyl under bottom – the experience is almost Venetian. Except the water is brown.
“Everybody told me not to name it that but it was the only name I kept coming back to,” owner Charles Chatain says.
9. Canberra photographer says recent aurora australis is ‘the largest display I’ve seen in 20 years’
by James Coleman

The aurora australis, near Williamsdale, as captured by Canberra photographer Alan Broomby. Photo: Alan Broomby.
Did you see the aurora australis this year? Tuggeranong photographer Alan Broomby braved the cold and rain to capture ‘southern lights’ so intense “you could see the bright red even through the clouds”.
8. Lace up Canberra, you’ve got a gorgeous new network of walking tracks to explore
by Dione David

Ginninderry’s new walking track network takes in expansive views along the Murrumbidgee River. Photo: David Barber.
A 10 km network of new walking tracks exploring some of the most beautiful areas of Conservation Corridor, including Canberra’s first swing bridges, has officially opened.
Built by Canberra-based trail builders Iconic Trails and funded by Ginninderry, the network incorporates a wide range of lengths, terrains and expansive vistas along the Murrumbidgee River, promising diverse experiences for all ages and fitness levels to enjoy.
7. Keeping left … and other road rules Canberra drivers don’t seem to understand
by James Coleman

ACT Policing says speeding was a common thread in traffic infringement notices handed out between April 2023 and May 2024. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Just how bad are Canberra drivers? We asked police for the top reasons they hand out traffic infringement notices, and did some of our own research too. Here’s what we found out.
6. Who put the rocking horses on a log? We’re not sure who did it first, but we know someone who keeps doing it
by James Coleman

Surely you’ve seen them before. Photo: Kim Treasure.
You’ve all seen the rival to Pooh Bear’s Corner – more than a dozen rocking horses neatly arranged on two fallen logs at the bottom of the Clyde. But who put them there? Rob has something to do with it.
5. Is the National Gallery’s ‘Gauguin’s World’ its most controversial exhibition ever?
by Sasha Grishin

Paul Gauguin’s Three Tahitians (Trois tahitiens) 1899 oil on canvas 73 × 94 cm, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh. Presented by Sir Alexander Maitland in memory of his wife Rosalind 1960, NG 222. Photo: NGA.
Gauguin’s World was a controversial blockbuster exhibition at the National Gallery in Canberra in 2024. Art critic Sasha Grishin discusses some of the complex legacy of Gauguin, who created some memorable art.
4. Comedy series throws a spotlight on Canberra, a place where people live – not always politically correctly
by Sally Hopman

Canberra bus shelters are about to become famous well beyond our borders thanks to the release of a new ABC TV comedy which was filmed in the nation’s capital. Photo: Supplied.
It was one of the biggest TV productions ever filmed in Canberra and, for everyone involved in the project, hopes were high that it would show the nation’s capital as a place where people live – and not just a political town.
Austin, an eight-part comedy series filmed mainly in the ACT, premiered on ABC TV this year.
It was filmed in Canberra, showcasing the capital through the camera lens, but also providing a valuable opportunity for Canberrans to see how big productions are made – with 50 locals employed as crew members and more than 300 extras.
3. Clyde v Brown: which mountain road is worse? We crunch the numbers
by James Coleman

Government Bend on the Kings Highway at Clyde Mountain. Photo: Alex Rea.
There are two roads from Canberra to the coast and Canberrans have heard the horror stories. Landslides. Black ice. Cars careening into trees or rolling down slopes and into other trees, prompted by driver error or brakes overwhelmed by the sheer length and steepness of the descent.
It’s the age-old debate: Brown Mountain or Clyde Mountain? Longer or steeper? But which is actually more dangerous of the two roads to the coast? We checked the crash data.
2. What’s the best part of Canberra to live in? We asked you (and started a war)
by James Coleman

It’s a great view from the air, but it’s best to understand why Canberra is the second-best city in the world to live in. Photo: James Coleman.
We all know Canberra has been rated the second-best city in the world for quality of life.
The latest report by Oxford Economics Global Cities put us just behind Grenoble in France for life expectancy, income per person, income equality, housing expenditure, recreation and cultural sites, and internet speed.
But which bit is best? We asked, and now we’re none the wiser!
1. The 6 top Canberra venues that should never have died
by James Coleman

Capital Pancakes. Those were the days. Photo: Region.
We asked what famous Canberra establishment you miss the most, and here’s what you came back with. Bring on the sticky floors, vinyl records and a beer at the Cotter.