[First filed: September 05, 2008 @ 20:22]
Jacqui Myers, Liberal for Ginninderra, sat down to the RiotACT Sim Challenge on Thursday night to show us her Sim City 4 skills.
Extensive park building was a highlight of Jacqui’s urban design. Her extensive seperation of commercial, residential, and industrial areas kept pollution out of her residential areas.
Later in the game she converted the city completely to renewable energy and wiped out dirty industry.
She refused to raise taxes and hoped to lower them at some point, however city expansion doesn’t come cheap and she ran small deficit budgets throughout the game.
Jacqui kept spending under control, however, to the point she didn’t need to borrow and finished with money still in the bank.
She had a population of 15,000 and 7 bars of approval as mayor with the best environment score so far, strong ratings for traffic, educatiom, land value and health, but a mediocre safety score.
If you take a look at the video she explains her priorities.