26 November 2024

You wanna know why Trump won? Why not ask the 'geniuses'?

| David Murtagh
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Trump supporters

Trump supporters at a rally in Pittsburgh. Photo: Donald Trump Facebook.

A billion words have been written and spewed about how the Evil Orange Man won – usually by people who missed the signs.

Could they not see the forest for the trees, or were they high on their own supply? Or high on their own supply in a forest? For the definitive, how the F did that happen?, let’s ask some ‘geniuses’. There are enough of them about.

We could ask the geniuses who were all-in the Hillary Clinton-funded Russia-Russia-Russia hoax.

The geniuses behind that lie crippled Trump’s first term and helped destroy half the country’s faith in the FBI and the media. When they decry lost trust in institutions, remind them they’re to blame. And probably said Joe Biden wasn’t cognitively impaired until the evidence could be denied no longer.

Or we could ask the geniuses whose mastery of foreign affairs has set the world on fire.

Didn’t they say the ‘adults’ were back in charge? Not so much.

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If you want to know when the rot started for Biden and, by extension, Harris, it was the Afghanistan withdrawal.

The geniuses – the “f-ing idiot” General Mark Milley, for example – left $85 billion-plus of the world’s best military equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

They also killed 13 US servicemen during the withdrawal. And a presidency.

Kamala Harris boasted she was the last person in the room to make that decision about Afghanistan. That makes sense.

Since the Allies’ withdrawal, girls in Afghanistan have essentially been banned from schools and universities. And travel without a male escort, in some regions, even to shops. That’s a problem over there – Uber Eats isn’t big in Kabul.

Maybe Harris was advised by the same geniuses who have turned Ukraine into a shambles. A literal shambles; as in, a slaughterhouse.

Those geniuses thought the war in Ukraine would disable Russia without the US firing a shot. That’s some super-duper-trooper 4D chess with a side of UNO.

Not so fast. Russia is richer than ever. Yes. Richer.

Even with the sanctions?

Yes, even with the sanctions!

In June, Russia jumped over Japan to become the fourth-largest economy in the world. It’s also leapfrogged Germany since the war and sanctions began.

Ah, Germany. You’ve got some real geniuses, too.

Seems the sophisticated Europeans aren’t quite as clever as they thought they were.

Maybe some of those dumb Americans looked across the water and thought, no thanks. We prefer our energy like our beer – domestic.

You could ask the geniuses who thought it would be smart to open the border and let at least 10 million illegals in. They may not be eating the dogs™ but Venezuelan gangs are taking over hotels. That’s nothing to be proud of.

Of course, the geniuses don’t mind if that happens, so long as they aren’t plopped in Martha’s Vineyard. Unless they do domestic work.

Or what about the geniuses who said inflation would be ‘transitory’? Inflation is not transitory – it’s a ratchet that only goes one way.

The people who argued about inflation would be the same geniuses who thought modern monetary theory would work. It didn’t.

Turns out you can’t pump trillions into an economy and not create inflation. Who knew? Well, everyone who wasn’t a genius, it seems.

(But don’t look too smug – we have the same geniuses in Australia. Treasury thought they could buy lower inflation and lower interest rates for $3.5 billion. They were wrong.)

What about Trump’s cabinet picks?

The main criticism seems to be that the nominated appointees are “Trump loyalists”.

Read that again.

See a problem? Apparently, he’s meant to be appointing people who hate him and will stifle what he was elected to do. You know, as happened in Trump 1.0.

But maybe Trump learned from his first four years when he trusted others and got screwed.

Frankly, this could go on for days.

For many of you, this is all old news. If it’s new news, and you’re still shocked Trump won, be aware your news choices have let you down. Maybe go outside, get swooped by a maggie and, yes, touch some grass.

You may not be able to put your finger on just one reason Trump won the electoral college, and the popular vote, and the Senate and the House, but if you look hard enough, you’ll start seeing the clues. Not even a genius could miss them.

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It amazes me how many people are experts on why Trump won, after he won! Why wasn’t this article written before the election was held?

Logicalusername8:04 pm 21 Nov 24

Might get some basics out of the way
• Qasem Soleimani assassinated on Trumps orders.

Around that time, I spoke to two Iranian colleagues, both thirty-two at the time, one is a GP and the other a mixed retail business owner. Both thought that the Iranian Government wanted Soleimani out of the way as he was a loose cannon. Both also stated things are not good in Iran for anyone and change is coming from within.

• Afghanistan withdrawal/wind down

Trump spoke to the Taliban commander on a withdrawal where no US Citizens would be casualties before and after departure. Trump had his Generals in Iraq investigate a rapid defeat of ISIS within Afghanistan. They decided on the use of the MOAB to finish off ISIS. Notably he would have advised the Taliban leader on the process, and I presume he also let him know that if any US Citizens in the country were harmed, he would again use the MOAB. This is why no US Citizens while he was in office were harmed in Afghanistan, post the talk he had with its leader, remarkable considering the last 20 years or so.

• Afghanistan again, nothing to do with Trump this round
There is a strong possibility the eighty-five billion worth of military and logistics equipment left in Afghanistan would entail the Taliban to hold the country together (regardless of what one may feel about these guys) and prevent other groups or warlords from trying another civil war. ISIS had all sorts of people there from the Middle East who were not Pashtun nationalists, the locals aligned or not hated them. Since 1979 and before Afghanistan has had no peace.

HiddenDragon8:00 pm 21 Nov 24

Trump won because a majority of the Americans who have been the losers (in relative or absolute terms) from globalist and “progressive” policies hope that he will give them a better deal than the Democrats.

The reality of what Trump can actually deliver is likely to fall well short of his over-the-top promises – particularly when it comes to living standards for lower and middle income households, so buyer remorse will probably have kicked in for the 2026 mid-terms, and by 2028 it might be a good year for the Democrats – but they, too, will face a big gap between what is deliverable and what voters expect/hope for.

The real genius will be the leader who can put together an agenda which is realistically and sustainably deliverable and sufficiently appealing to win majority support over at least a few electoral cycles – otherwise the political churn will continue.

On a smaller and milder scale, the issues are much the same here, but ameliorated by more generous and comprehensive safety nets. Our problem is that the money to maintain those safety nets and public programs is running out, debts are mounting, and our political class seems to be in substantial denial about the true scale of the challenge they face – so we, too, face an era of churn until an honest vision is developed and sold to the Australian public.

A really good assessment of the situation that does not simplify the issues but acknowledges the complexity. Love it!

Lol Psycho it’s garbage ….IDK what globalist and “progressive” policies this fantasy tirade is referencing and am willing to bet they can’t be named or they are the usual dumb grievance garbage….but Trump’s promised tariffs will devastate the economy….not to mention that none of the MAGA dopes have been paying attention to the absolutely barking RFK Jr who wants to among other insanity get rid of pesticides….if that happens food prices for Americans will skyrocket.

Elect clowns expect a circus.

Biden won because colleague votes are determined by population numbers and not numbers of registered voters. Trump clears out the illegals and they’ll be in power for a long time. You have some states where it’s 90% blue voters and Trump is Republicans are winning the rest by 1-2 %. While the blue vote is centralised it will struggle to get up.

I don’t know where you’re getting your numbers from but they’re wildly inaccurate. There’s no state red or blue where it’s 90% anything.

Trump won on illegal immigration, the economy and being anti woke, same as what drives our elections. Biden like Clinton did Harris no favours with his garbage comment. In a voluntary election, you don’t give people a reason to vote against you.
His selections of TV personalities and nutty Billionaires shows how bizarre the US politics are. It shows how he is influenced in the little world he inhabits.

Trump signed the original deal with the Taliban to withdraw US troops, and Trump set the timeframe for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump reduced the number of US forces in the country from 13,000 to 2,500 by the time Biden came to office. Biden may have supported the withdrawal but troop numbers were gutted under Trump and the security situation in Afghanistan only got worse as a result.

Queenie-Lou Hilario11:19 am 21 Nov 24

“when the rot started for Biden and, by extension, Harris, it was the Afghanistan withdrawal” … unlike the Trump administration, which negotiated directly with the Taliban (releasing 5,000 Taliban terrorists and blocking the Afghan government from negotiations).

“The main criticism seems to be that the nominated appointees are ‘Trump loyalists’.” …. No, main criticism is that they’re completely unqualified and look to be almost criminal in many instances. There’s an antivaxer for health, a sex-trafficker for AG, a Fox News Host who topped out at major for defense … etc.

I could continue, but why would I?

Yes, you should stop because your post is nonsense.

Negotiating a withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban is what was best for the US forces. Breaking off those negotiations got 16 US servicenmen killed.

And when you hve the likes of Sam Brinton and Richard Levine in Bidens cabinet, there’s zero credibility in criticising the other sides picks.

Russia did interfere in the election, this has been proven. It wasn’t why Clinton lost (IMO she lost because she was a terrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign even if Trump was just a normal Republican he probably still wins). But the whole “hoax” thing is demonstrably nonsense, a MAGA talking point, therefore this analysis is flawed from the start and it doesn’t improve.

PS. Russia may not have won or lost any elections in the West but they are certainly meddling by deliberately spreading misinformation, Russia is not our friend.

It was never proven. Even if Russia had interfered (and I don’t class posting nonsense on the internet as “election interference” anyway), the US has installed puppet governments and backed dozens of coups all over the world for over a century. They are the last people who should be complaining.

“On July 13, 2018, a federal grand jury sitting in the District of Columbia returned an indictment against 12 Russian military intelligence officers for their alleged roles in interfering with the 2016 United States (U.S.) elections.”


Maybe read your own link champ.

Who would have guessed Kenbo would be on team Russia, you know if you hate Australia you don’t have to stay.

Anyway, you do realise that to get an indictment they have to have strong evidence and that Mueller reports and Senate inquiry also found evidence.

But hey you keep cheering for the Kremlin comrade.

So, you got caught telling blatant lies, and still want to double down on your kooky conspiracy theory?

Trumps win really has broken some people.

If you love Russia so much can always move there Komrade Kenbo.

I better buy a heap more Rio Tinto shares. They are about to massively up production to meet your headwear needs.

Sorry, I don’t speak conspiracy theorist nonsense.

Russia interfered in our elections and yet you’re still on Team Russia, you should cut out the pretence and just move to Russia Komrade Kenbo.

You literally are speaking conspiracy theorist nonsense, by asserting that Ryssia interfered in a US election, when it is still, after 8 years, only an allegation. You got caught blatantly lying and continue on this kooky path.

And now Russia interfered in our elections? The weight of that tinfoil hat must me massive. Go outside. 🤣

Except for the documented proof documented in the Mueller, the Senate intelligence committee reports that Russia interfered in the election, but don’t let facts get in the way Komrade Kenbo.

You mean the Mueller report that found no collusian with Russia, that went nowhere? Per the American Bar Association: https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/

You making baseless accusations is not “documented proof”. You’re telling kooky conspiracy lies, yet again.

With my first submission, I accidentally hit submit long before I was finished. I’ve now decided I won’t finish it…

@Vasily M
Finally, a post from you, that I can actually understand, and with which I am definitely in accord.

“And probably said Joe Biden wasn’t cognitively impaired until the evidence could be denied no longer.

I saw Joe’s ‘cognitive decline’ with my own eyes, long before the activists disguised as journalists – for what reason, I don’t really know – came clean and told the geniuses that Joe was in ‘cognitive decline’. I

Trump can barely string a coherent sentence together. Joe has lost a step but it’s the Diaper Don who is boosting about passing dementia tests.

Queenie-Lou Hilario10:37 am 21 Nov 24

Whoa … David Murtagh really destroyed that strawman!

First off, the cheering on of Russia invading another country and lambasting Ukraine for not capitulating is reprehensible. Throwing in North Korea in the mix now – You really want to side with dictators rather than a democracy fighting to exist?

Russia is not rich, they moved to a war economy. If the war ends in 24 hours, the Russian economy collapses.

The goal from the western support was never to ‘disable’ Russia. It was always only ever to grind it down militarily – Which has happened with Russia needing to tap into soviet stockpiles, rely on countries such as Iran and North Korea for weapons and troops. They’ve been losing more than they can replace equipment wise and the soviet stockpiles are starting to run out. This has been verified with many mil-bloggers monitoring depots.

The motivation of Russia isn’t just to obtain a warm water port and some farm land (putting aside how much grain Ukraine brings to the global market) it is also part of a larger strategy of feeling ‘safe’ from a strategic standpoint. To give the Russians what they’d want you’d need to give up Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, Czech republic, Slovakia, Romania, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and most of the ‘stans.

Say what you will about the democrats in America – They focused on the completely wrong things at the wrong time. That said though, cheering on Russia and other regimes; Regan would be livid to see any US Republican playing cheer leader to their ambitions.

I’m not remotely surprised that Trump won but what in the world is this word salad of an article trying to say?

It makes some of the batpoop crazy things Trump comes out with look eminently logical.

Why would you target seano like this? 🤣

Suck it up leftoids. Excellent article

Blame Lefties7:36 am 21 Nov 24

You mightn’t be genius but this is absolutely brilliant!!!

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