14 March 2011

Bread to be had in Civic!

| johnboy
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Robert Guth is a bread maker so good it’s part of the phd he’s doing. Hopefully that will help you understand what a gift one of his loaves is.

And you can have one, all you have to do is take something in to the old site of the Dick Smith in the bus interchange.

It’s really simple, grab something you don’t mind trading for a loaf of bread. I chose on old copy of The Economist.

the economist

Then walk into the You Are Here mothership on the corner of City Walk and East Row, ignore the women on rollerskates and other zaniness, walk up to Robert in his bakers overalls and give him your thing.

Robert Guth

In exchange you get wonderful bread.

bread exchange

It’s really that easy, you’re contributing to art and a phd, you get rid of something, and you get a loaf of bread.

You’d be mad not to get down there in the next week it’s running as part of You Are Here.

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Outstanding bread!!! Well worth the visit. ๐Ÿ™‚

far_northact6:27 pm 16 Mar 11

I spent a good ten minutes at lunch time today analysing (through the window) what people have offered. There are some good things and some dodgy things. Someone had traded a loaf of bread, which is one thing, that I’m sure he has enough of.. . .

loaves look great [have to wait for astress to get home before i’m allowed to attack it – ‘s hard!] and robert was great to chat with as he takes your pic for his exhibition – hope he likes french literary genius…

The baking MOJO has returned. The loaves are looking great.

Pommy bastard5:38 pm 15 Mar 11

13 amp?

Skidbladnir said :

You gave him a magazine from 3 months ago?

And a big plug.

You gave him a magazine from 3 months ago?

Things are looking back on track for tomorrows bake. Come on down from 12.
Thanks to those who came down today in spite of my warnings. I hope you enjoyed the bread.

If you don’t have an old magazine to exchange, could you give them an old $5 note you no longer need?

Today’s bread is not a danger to anyone’s belief structures.

We had a minor rise failure.

2/3rds the volume the same mass.
Into every life a little stodge must fall.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we’ll be back on track.

Oh, if you haven’t tried this guy’s bread, just do it. I’m an atheist, but after trying his bread, I started believing there’s a god…..

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