The annual Griffith Street Party hosted by M16 Artspace and the Griffith-Narrabundah Community Association will be held again at M16 Artspace, 21 Blaxland Crescent, Griffith, this Saturday 2 May from 12pm to 4pm. Don’t miss this significant and popular family friendly community event that combines wonderful art with food and jazz.
On the day M16’s three gallery spaces will be open, showcasing works that explore print as an artistic medium. These three dynamic exhibitions demonstrate the technical and conceptual skills of printmaking, alongside the diversity and quality of contemporary, local printmaking practice. Furthermore, fourteen different tenant artists from M16 Artspace will open their studios to event goers.
A sausage sizzle, Girl Guide cupcakes, a coffee stall with baked goods, a range of arts and crafts and other goodies and displays are expected to contribute to the traditional ‘village fair’ atmosphere of this great event. Three top jazz ensembles will perform live. There will be several raffles drawn in the afternoon, including prizes of vouchers to wine and dine at local restaurants. The original poster artwork by ‘Byrd’, will also be raffled.
The proposed design for the new Blaxland Park will be on display, as well as diagrams of the ACT government’s proposals to re-develop the Stuart Flats and Gowrie Court.
The Griffith Street Party has grown considerably in size over the past few years, attracting residents from suburbs across Canberra and Queanbeyan, alongside Federal and ACT politicians. The organisers are excited and confident that this year’s event will be as popular ever.
When: Saturday 2 May
Time: 12pm to 4pm
Where: 21 Blaxland Crescent, Griffith