On Saturday the Canberra Times had an intriguing story on the 12 families in Canberra responsible for 25% of property crime in the city.
Sadly the families were not named, but an intriguing approach to the recidivist criminals was announced:
As The Canberra Times reveals these astonishing numbers, the police are taking a unique approach by sending case workers to try to dissuade the families from a life of crime.
It is, however, a carrot and stick approach. The police are determined to crack down on repeat offenders if they show no signs of ceasing, aware that householders are very fearful of intrusions on their property.
”It’s not always about joyriding or drinking or drugs, there is a significant socio-economic driver here. We’re dealing with these families’ underlying problems, not just the manifestation of them, which is crime.”
Assistant Commissioner Quaedvlieg said police were leading a whole-of-government effort involving housing, health and education services to help the families and cut crime. ”Some of the kids don’t have birth certificates, they don’t have access to health benefits, and because of those things which disengage them from the social machinery, they are suffering poverty,” he said.
”We’re case triaging each of the families, they each have a case officer, we’re giving them access to employment opportunities, educational programs. That is taking bite.