I was just told about this petition displayed on the wall of the doctor’s surgery with the doctor’s signature as the signature listed at the top of the list. Make your own judgement as to what it means. Of course the discrimination is not direct, so I suspect, the doctor probably can’t get in trouble for it. So telling everyone about the notice is not a problem either, after all the doctor wants people to know how she feels, otherwise she wouldn’t put such a sign up in her surgery. So the the sign says…..
Canberra Declaration, Sign to Protect Life, Marriage & Family and Religious Liberty in Australia.
We the concerned …citizens of Australia support the Canberra Declaration and have signed the below petition in support of freedom, life, family and our children….. These values are being undermined on many fronts by many opponents, WHO DO NOT HAVE THE BEST INTERESTS OF OUR NATION OR OUR CHILDREN AT HEART. For this reason we ask the House and the Government to act defensively and proactively in creating legislation and policy that protects life, protects and strengthens marriage, protects and supports the NATURAL FAMILY, protects religious freedom and PROTECTS OUR CHILDREN”.
The doctor is Tilllyard Drive Medical Practice in Charnwood. Riana Van Rensberg, the practice is owned by her and her husband.
I am revolted that this would be put up in a doctor’s office. I fully support the doctor’s right to lobby on behalf of their beliefs, to sign and/or launch petitions about things important to them, but to put up a sign that undermines a portion of her clientelle??? I mean people do not generally choose to be ill enough to present to a doctor, and now anyone who doesn’t fit this model of whatever a “natural family” is, will undoubtedly have concerns about whether they will get the best possible care.
[ED – We’ve covered the Canberra declaration before]