Ending poverty was something Jesus Christ thought was beyond his powers as the son of god.
But today Katy Gallagher has announced that after 12 years in Government she feels up to taking a crack at it if we give her another go:
If re-elected, ACT Labor will undertake a raft of legislative reform projects, including:
Reform arrangements for judicial officer complaints handling
Introduce unexplained wealth legislation into the Territory to ensure that people do not benefit from illegal and unlawful activities
Develop the ACT’s own privacy legislation, including examining the area of statutory cause of action for privacy
Expand the ACT’s human rights legislation to include the right to housing
Legislate to remove discrimination and improve recognition in the area of sex and gender identity
Introduce legislation to provide for an industrial magistrates court
Tightening up regulation around the use of gift cards
ACT Labor will also fund a dedicated legal position to research justice reinvestment initiatives and develop new opportunities to engage detainees in paid employment.
If you too are wondering how regulation of the use of cards is going to build a New Jerusalem you’re forgetting the ACT Labor way; which is to announce a bold aspirational vision with no real plan to achieve it and then dick around on the margins doing whatever they please.