Fellow defenders of parking etiquette, it is Monday and Monday means it’s time to frown at photos!
We have a fresh crop of photos from our rogues gallery of automotive villains, time to dish out some judgemental justice!
If you snap a shot of some sloppy parking, send it to us at images@the-riotact.com.
1. Aeek hits us with an opening salvo:

2. Couscous leveraged powerful social media tools to get this image to us:
For your compilation. Dickson Tradies’ undercover parking.

3. Deref delivers:
These two were both spotted at the Belconnen lighting shop.
4. Joe has been following this car for a while now:
I see this car most mornings on the way to work in Phillip (around 6:15am), always parked in the ‘No Stopping’ zone across the road from the gym on the corner. Plenty of parks less than 5-10 metres away from here (especially at 6:00am) so true laziness must be going to the gym but parking illegally to avoid walking a couple of extra metres.

5. Rocket is losing patience:
Ngunnawal Primary School car-park 9am. Still after copious newsletters and police attendance at drop of times, some numnuts in the community still don’t get it. Notice the female drivers close parking to footpath and the car trying to see around her car for oncoming kids or other cars. DON”T UP GUTTERS AND PARK ON THE GRASS WHEN DROPPING OR PICKING YOUR CHILDREN UP FROM SCHOOL. This lazy woman could have drove another 20m to other end of car park where there were at least 6-7 free car park spaces. Obviously wasn’t convenient for her.

6. D does and D does:
The white car is outside the Hellenic Club. The motorcycle space is Marcus Clarke Street.

7. Mothy delivers on a monthly basis:
Nope, not just leaving!
Yeah, I think you might have a little more room there…
8. Clare sent us this gem:
Saw this fool outside The Garden in Weston.

9. Goggles13 has found some gold:
Spotted near the hellenic club in Woden.

10. An anonymous Rioter had a run in at Revolve:
Taken at the Green Shed (Revolve) at Hume. Typically, this is where cars with trailers park. This 4WD caused a bit of a jam as I got stuck, with a trailer on, half way in, couldn’t squeeze through and couldn’t reverse because of the traffic behind me. I was very pissed off when I realised later that there was a woman in the passenger seat who had done nothing despite the horns and clusterf**k behind her.

11. Troy took a trip to Mecca:
It seems the back of Argyle Corner is a Mecca for bad parking. Here’s the 4 I took photos of, I didn’t get a chance for happy snaps of the other 5 I spotted as I didn’t notice them until I drove out. (All pictures taken on Wednesday October 23rd.)
12. JayCroix dug deep for this:
Taken in the underground parking of the Canberra Centre.

13. Sheep Groper hands us his usual haul:
I present for you a mixed assortment from Civic, Woden ( yes the cheap chemist yielded a good harvest considering I only walked past it twice – and to be fair the tradie who decided to park on the road and pavement at the same time did move his ute after noticing I’d taken a
happy snap to end up parked near his legally parked mate ( reads RiotAct perhaps? ) ) and Dickson.

14. Dom takes a guess:
Another example of a car blocking my driveway: my guess: the driver wanted to park as close as possible to his place of work and decided that a third of his car blocking my driveway was acceptable, even though there were no cars parked in front of the station wagon, with the added bonus of parking his car legally 🙂

15. Pork Hunt has this for you:
Queanbeyan Roos Club seems to attract hopeless parkers.

16. Harold has high hopes:
It almost fits…

17. Holden Caulfield finishes us off this week:
I was visiting a mate on the weekend and we noticed this 4WD parked in an access lane of the basement car park at his apartment. That lane provides access to about 20 or so other parks and, assuming the car park is full, it’s the only way those residents can get to their parking spaces. It was there for at least an hour on Saturday and my mate said the car was still there the following morning.