RiotACT co-owner Tim White enjoys celebrating with family during the festive season and is a fan of traditional carols like O Come All Ye Faithful, the cult classic film National Lampoons’ Christmas Vacation and seafood …
What I love most about Christmas is being able to completely switch off everything (work, computer, phone, all other stresses) and spend quality time with my beautiful wife and 3 daughters, and the rest of my family. I’m also a complete seafood nut, so there is genuine excitement for me getting up at 5am the day before Christmas and going to the markets to buy a selection of seafood.
What I love least about Christmas is leaving everything to the last minute (which I always manage to do) and fighting the crowd masses on Christmas Eve.
My best ever Christmas was throughout my childhood years. Growing up we used to spend all our Christmas’s with family in Adelaide. We would do a lunch at my grandmothers house (my mother’s side of the family), then dinner at my aunties’ house (my father’s side of the family). The day ended with a swim in the pool and throwing an uncle or 2 into the pool fully clothed (then being told off by my grandparents).
My favourite Christmas songs are Jingle Bells, O Come All Ye Faithful and Joy to the World.
My favourite Christmas film is National Lampoons’ Christmas Vacation.
I celebrate on Christmas Eve by having to do a taste test of the seafood for Christmas day whilst enjoying a nice cold glass of chardonnay. We usually play a board game or two with Christmas carols in the background, to try to calm all the pre-Santa excitement with my daughters. We also get ready for Santa by putting a single shoe from each child in front of the Christmas Tree (a Mexican tradition).
I celebrate on Christmas Day by being woken up early by three super-excited children. I just love seeing their faces when they see their stockings and presents under the Christmas tree. We then have family over to our house for a late lunch. Lunch this year will be seafood, roast lamb / pork, ham, and a selection of salads. We then will have Christmas pudding followed by pavlova.
On Boxing Day I love lounging around all day and can’t wait to watch the first session of the Boxing Day test. We will also be packing and getting ready for our trip to Mexico to visit my wife’s family.
The gift I’d most like to give this Christmas is common sense to our world leaders (one in particular). 2017 is an unwritten book so people should choose their actions and words wisely and fill it up with pages that are worth reading by the end of the year. I’d also love to see the Rabbitohs win the 2017 premiership – but surely that is already a given.
For Christmas this year I’d like a bottle of Clonakilla Shiraz Viognier and Stephen Hawking’s book A Brief History of Time.
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