29 May 2013

Scissors Paper Pen hosts Comic workshop

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What Canberra, where?

That amazing collective of creatives, Scissors Paper Pen, just hit us up with some news about a really interesting sounding workshop coming up in June run by the ex-Canberran/now-Vermontian Eleri Harris.

The whole deal costs $15 ($10 for members), has food and drinks provided, and will teach you a bunch of skills on how to make comics. By the end of the hour long workshop you’ll have your own zine ready to roll.

WHAT? Canberra?
Comics: structure, draw, print.

Supported by the ACT Comic Meet
With: Eleri Mai Harris

Actually literally days from studying at the Centre for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction,Vermont, Eleri Mai Harris gives a once-only workshop during her visit to Australia.

WHEN: Thursday June 6th, 6pm-7pm at the ACT Writers Centre Workshop Room

COST: $10 for ACT Comic Meet members $15 for the rest of the world

To register, email writetoscissorspaperpen@gmail.com for a reserved place, and turn up on the day with cash in hand. You can just turn up, but we do like it when you book!

Spend an hour with Eleri Mai Harris in a one-off workshop while she’s in Australia. It’ll be a table of comics, a pen, paper, and a projector, and you braving an illustration of your own. By the end of the hour you’ll have your own zine ready to distribute. Materials and photocopier supplied.

Eleri Mai Harris dropped out of her real life as an ABC producer in Canberra mid 2012 to pursue a Masters of Fine Arts at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vermont, USA. While she thinks American indie comics, New England microbreweries and 50’s style diners are awesome, she misses the delicious laksas, sunsets and friends in our nation’s great capital.

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