Chief Minister Gallagher has proudly announced success in calming the West Belconnen leadfeet of Spofforth Street (How you could name a street after Fred “The Demon Bowler” Spofforth and not expect people to try and go fast is a mystery).
“The Spofforth Street traffic calming measures were introduced following complaints by residents about speeding on the street, which the ACT government acted upon,” the Chief Minister said.
“Roads ACT conducted a detailed investigation into traffic conditions which found a number of safety issues caused by high speeds, especially for residents entering and exiting their residences. The investigation showed 15 percent of cars travelling down the 50km/h sign posted street were travelling over 76km/h.
“In December 2011, 13 sets of speed cushions were installed to improve road safety, reduce vehicle speeds and reduce traffic volumes along Spofforth Street between Drake Brockman Drive and Southern Cross Drive.
“At my request, the ACT Government commenced a review of the safety measures in May that were put in place and sought community comment on the effectiveness of the speed cushions.
“The feedback from the community found a majority supported the scheme. Some improvements were also identified, such as removing two sets of speed cushions as well as resizing or repositioning the speed cushions so that larger vehicles cannot straddle and speed over them, while also ensuring ACTION buses will still be able to straddle the speed cushions. The removed speed cushions can be reused in future road safety projects.