14 September 2011

Where are you going with the Kangaroo? Caption contest

| johnboy
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As seen on Canberra Avenue this morning.

We understand it’s Mr Bayliss of Furniture On The Roof and handstands in court fame.

Feel free to send in your caption suggestions.


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ThatUniStudent11:19 am 16 Sep 11

Ahh Alex Bayliff. The nutter of Narrabundah.
Here’s him destrying the public housing we’re paying for: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/pitched-battle-evidence-upsidedown/1823435.aspx

Here’s the crap he puts on the local bus stop, repeatedly: http://www.typeboard.com/2010/09/bus-stop-art-display-at-the-narrabundah-shops-canberra/

Here’s him going to court after throwing rocks at cars: http://acthra.anu.edu.au/cases/case.php?id=148
Where he was considered fit enough to plead in his court case.

Fun and games in the high court: http://barristersbakery.blogspot.com/2010/08/apartment-floods-high-court-arrest-and.html

Here’s more of his crap, apparently the Queen is on his side and would be happy to give evidence on his behalf: http://www.silobreaker.com/accuseds-fitness-to-plead-to-be-tested-5_2264771260238004300

There was even a Facebook group set up to save his junkyard roof: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=120132044682478&v=wall that luckily had just 4 people post on it.

It goes on and on and on: http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&sugexp=gsis%2Ci18n%3Dtrue&cp=47&gs_id=3&xhr=t&q=Alexander+Andre+Marcel+Sebastian+Barker+Bayliff&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&safe=off&site=&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=Alexander+Andre+Marcel+Sebastian+Barker+Bayliff&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=dfa502f1b4d8007e&biw=1366&bih=622

A mate of mine had his small day sailer boat stolen from his yard. It ended up in Alex’s back yard. 🙁

“What do you mean I can’t use the T2 lane?”

gospeedygo said :

Someone seemed to have missed when he was standing on top of the trolley with arms spread like jesus on the cross for a good few minutes.

The kangaroo or Bayliss?

nobody else is cleaning up the roadside-splattered roos… I guess he is performing a community service and should be commended…

stormboy said :

R U OK Skip


R U OK Skip

SUICIDE: you can never take back the pain you cause to the ones you loved

Just coming back from Raiders Mad Monday.

aussielyn said :

Chances are that that the trolley was free range or liberated from Fyshwick markets.
The person involved, a serial pest, is know to rove Narrabundah in the wee hours liberating anything he can see. He last recently put lounge chairs on top of the charity bins making more work.
Given his form he would have deposited the roo corpse in the shop area so that he would maximise work for rangers who clean up after him.

LOOK AT ME is the modus operanti of Mr Bayliss AKA Bayliff. He is notorious for wasting the time of AFP and all emergency services. The issue is his brilliance is not put to good use by incompetent mental health case workers.

I wonder if this is the same guy who took my bike in Braddon while I had my back turned to it for a few minutes (I was trying to catch an injured magpie – silly story). I called the cops when I got home 10 minutes later and was told it had been brought in by this guy who was obviously known to them and did this sort of stuff all the time, they said.

Well, you see officer it’s like this, one night I’m walking down the road here and this voice came from above, told me to build this huge frickin boat and to fill it with two of every animal…… I just have to find the other bloody roo, can I borrow your truck.

I found this view a bit disturbing. I like his work. I thought this was artistic expression about rubbish. I really liked the idea of taking dumped rubbish and drawing attention to it. With art, you shouldn’t let your medium dictate your vision. Piles of rubbish could become towers of rubbish with the right manipulation. Elevating rubbish. How high could you get a trailer load of dumped rubbish. I know its a rubbish idea but I like it. How high can you get.

aussielyn said :

Chances are that that the trolley was free range or liberated from Fyshwick markets.
The person involved, a serial pest, is know to rove Narrabundah in the wee hours liberating anything he can see. He last recently put lounge chairs on top of the charity bins making more work.
Given his form he would have deposited the roo corpse in the shop area so that he would maximise work for rangers who clean up after him.

LOOK AT ME is the modus operanti of Mr Bayliss AKA Bayliff. He is notorious for wasting the time of AFP and all emergency services. The issue is his brilliance is not put to good use by incompetent mental health case workers.

Another rubbish Canberra criminal crossed by a Roo. ….. Roo will sleep with the fishes.

On his way to Adelaide Ave perhaps? I do recall this chap being a possible witness to dead possums being chucked over a certain official residence some time back.

There’s mental illness and then there’s being an a-hole with a mental illness. ACT Mental Health can’t do a lot about it.

Why’d Skippy cross the road?…………..We’d know if she hadn’t of died!

stormboy said :

Hop off the road please sir

I’m voting for this one!

creative_canberran11:00 pm 14 Sep 11

No joke, I drove past this guy as he was pushing it down Canberra Ave this morning, thinking as I saw it how messed up it was and pondering whether the homeless had really turned to hunting roos.

Canberra Ave was a roadwork zone this morning so I would guess perhaps one of the workers saw this and called the cops.

Chances are that that the trolley was free range or liberated from Fyshwick markets.
The person involved, a serial pest, is know to rove Narrabundah in the wee hours liberating anything he can see. He last recently put lounge chairs on top of the charity bins making more work.
Given his form he would have deposited the roo corpse in the shop area so that he would maximise work for rangers who clean up after him.

LOOK AT ME is the modus operanti of Mr Bayliss AKA Bayliff. He is notorious for wasting the time of AFP and all emergency services. The issue is his brilliance is not put to good use by incompetent mental health case workers.

yellowsnow said :

I think this might be the same guy I saw on the median strip in the middle of Streeton Drive in Weston a few weeks back. Armed with a large knife and accompanied by a 4 year old boy, he had been SKINNING a dead kangaroo. Yep, in the middle of a busy road, in broad daylight! He took the roo skin with him and left the naked carcass behind.

Needless to say, no one dared approach the man to ask what he and the boy were doing. Not even a leather-clad cop.

Heavens! Fancy the public seeing a dead animal losing its skin for the brief seconds they were driving past him! Thank god none of us wear items of clothing or furnish our homes with leather! Oh…hang on a sec…

I think the ‘roo may have been grazing on dumped cannabis. the ossifer is about to conduct a roadside drug test.
perhaps the roo and the cement were to weigh down the shopping trolley when dumped in a lake. (and why DO people do that?)
or was the trolley-pusher minding his own business, speeding down the footpath, when a roo jumped out in front of him and BAM one dead roo? that shopping trolley needs a bullbar.

I think this might be the same guy I saw on the median strip in the middle of Streeton Drive in Weston a few weeks back. Armed with a large knife and accompanied by a 4 year old boy, he had been SKINNING a dead kangaroo. Yep, in the middle of a busy road, in broad daylight! He took the roo skin with him and left the naked carcass behind.

Needless to say, no one dared approach the man to ask what he and the boy were doing. Not even a leather-clad cop.

“Honestly Sir, I’ve just started a home delivery service from me takeaway, and not 15 minutes ago I got this call from the tent embassy. Really Sir, I’ve got to go,..I have to get it to them while it’s still warm or they get it free”

I feel everyone deserves to know his actual words…….

“Hey guys, just picked this up for the bbq I’m having this arvo………..(yelling out to nearby construction workers) BBQ AT MINE!!! BBQ AT MINE!!!! PLENTY OF MEAT FOR EVERYONE!!!!!”

gospeedygo said :

Someone seemed to have missed when he was standing on top of the trolley with arms spread like jesus on the cross for a good few minutes.

And when he was playing the uke.

But we’ll take the photo we get over the one we wished we had.

Someone seemed to have missed when he was standing on top of the trolley with arms spread like jesus on the cross for a good few minutes.

ACT Policing needs a new uniform-fitter: the elephant-bum look is not getting respect from the public.

Holden Caulfield said :

“I wish to make a complaint!”

Oh alright… I’ll take this up.

AFP: He’s passed on! This roo is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker!
He’s a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed him to the ute he’d be pushing up the daisies!
His metabolic processes are now history! He’s off the twig!
He’s kicked the bucket, he’s shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!!


Phew… glad we got that outta the way.

He not dead, he’s pining!
Yes, pining for the fjords…

what is it skip??

tch tch tch

A bus?

tch tch tch?

Coming down Canberra Avenue?

tch tch t… *thud*

Bus 1. Skippy ba-paoooow.

he lost his contact lens…

Where are you going with the Kangaroo?

“Ok officer, that’s one mega roo burger to go. Do you want sauce on it?

There were a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock, sir.

Hop off the road please sir

Ben_Dover said :

“Canberra leads the market in necrophiliac-builder-beastiality-leather-S&M-sub/dom-outdoor porn.”

Damn you, that’s 2 keyboards down from just one thread in one day!!!

I was just giving skippy a lift after he missed his bus.

“Canberra leads the market in necrophiliac-builder-beastiality-leather-S&M-sub/dom-outdoor porn.”

‘No, sir, monocycles are permitted in the bicycle lane, marsupials are not.’

Officer, don’t you know who I am? You cannot charge me as I am not responsible for anything.

Leather pants! kinky!

“No, officer, Skippy’s not for sale. Doesn’t the AFP provide you with leather trousers?”

Holden Caulfield2:58 pm 14 Sep 11

“I wish to make a complaint!”

“The Village People were struggling with their new line up.”

Damn! My clever ploy to divert attention away from the stolen shopping trolley backfired.

Ben_Dover said :

“Bunnings has an offer on officer, buy a bag of cement get a free dead roo.”

You owe me a keyboard!

Don’t know about the kangaroo but I like the cop in leather 😉

“Bunnings has an offer on officer, buy a bag of cement get a free dead roo.”

If you collect kangaroos to cut there tails off for the dogs… You might be a redneck!

Whats that Skip, that coppers bum looks big in those pants…

Me and Skip were having a few beers and then we got into the sambucca shots…I told him not to but you know Skip…

I swear sir he is sleeping.

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