Chief Minister Gallagher is celebrating the runaway success of the free e-waste recycling scheme:
the introduction of free e-waste recycling in Canberra has already been a huge success with a total of 115 tonnes of televisions and computers disposed of since the launch on Tuesday 15 May 2012.
“We have seen a huge response from the community in the first few days of the new free e-waste recycling scheme. People have been coming out to the Mitchell and Mugga Lane Transfer Stations in droves, eager to get rid of their old or unwanted television and computer products,” the Chief Minister said.
“On day one of the scheme a total of 35 tonnes was delivered across both Transfer Station sites, with a further 40 tonnes delivered on both day two and three.
“The ACT is the first jurisdiction in Australia to implement the free National Television and Computer Recycling scheme and it has already been well received by Canberrans.
“We expect both Mugga Lane and Mitchell Transfer Station to be heavily trafficked this weekend and over the next few weeks, so I encourage people to consider holding their items for a while longer to avoid long queues. The free e-waste recycling service is here to stay, so there is no need to rush,” the Chief Minister concluded.