Dissing Canberra roads is in and I got a stretch that could do with a few roundabouts.
William Hovell drive. You know what I’m talking about. On the way to Civic, where you get stuck on the way behind some 60 kay mother f*cker in a 82 model Laser who miraculously speeds up to 110 when he hits the overtaking lane before the Coppins Crossing turn off. You know what amazes me is if I was to drag him out of his car at the lights and smash his head against the bonnet of his car throw him into the light poles a few times and maybe drag his ravaged bleeding flesh through the gravel then take him into the paddock and stash his fading carcass up a cows rear end, I’d be the one getting arrested for Road Rage! Is there no Justice?
But I digress.
The situation is, the overtaking lane merges into single lane to make room for the Coppins Crossing turnoff then back to double lane for the lights then back to single lane for the mergers from Hawker then back to double lane.
Who designed this debacle? They couldn’t afford the extra 50 meteres of paddock it would take to make it dual lane all the way? They couldn’t even extend the road back down the hill in the opposite direction to prevent another dual to single to double fiasco. Not to mention the gits who pull out of Coppins Crossing and go ‘just’ fast enough to make the change to single lane but not so fast that you don’t have to slam the brakes back down to 60.
This stretch could use a roundabout. Right on the junction into Coppins Crossing, blocking it off entirely. Problem fucking fixed, give the actual traffic back to the lanes it needs.
But it’s not going to happen, so I’ll just have to send in Davey to lay out some ownage on these inconsiderate drivers. So until you get some driving lessons, be warned: