Shane Rattenbury has announced a fare increase for the ACTION bus network:
“From 4 February 2013, MyWay bus fares will increase by five percent and there will be changes to monthly trip caps,” said Mr Rattenbury.
“The fare changes reflect rising costs of operation and improvements to the public transport system. The last increase in bus fares was July 2010.”
“We are making ongoing improvements to ACTION, including installing new bus shelters, upgrading stops to comply with disability standards, purchasing new buses, and providing new bus services.
“I’m excited to introduce Canberra’s first real time passenger information system later this year. Passengers waiting for buses will be able to see live information on the timing of their bus.
“I do not expect the fare increase to impact negatively on passenger numbers. At this stage, I think the key to more passengers is to introduce more frequent and convenient services.