Sink your teeth in while they are fresh!
Monday means bad parking photos here on Planet RiotACT.
If you spot a poor parking photo waiting to happen, be the person who makes it happen!
Then send those photos in to!
Be sure to include the word ‘parking’ in the subject and what name you would like to be credited as!
1. Terry sets us up this week with this discovery:
![DC2: The Sequel.](
2. Chris, Queanbeyan counts double:
Does Queanbeyan count? Outside Supacheap Auto.
![Q to the B](
3. Johnboy has been doing his part in the eternal vigilance against bad parking:
4. Another Chris hid in a tree for an hour to get us this:
Today at O’Connor shops. Car was there for at least an hour, despite there being plenty of available legit parking spots…
5. Meagan speculates as to the deranged motivations of the bad parker:
Clearly someone in a hurry to get the Aldi specials of the week…
6. Two different people sent in the same picture this week. It’s not from Canberra, but Rachel and Eddie figured you would enjoy it anyway:
7. CC caught us with a four hit combo:
Disabled zone, no pass and all passengers very able.
Distance from sign does not, infringement diminish.
Not one but two cars parked in Jolimont clear zone. Not just dropping off but parked and out of their cars.
8. Grumps has been cooking this one up for a while:
If they’re going to park there all day, every day, at least they’re not parked in the two hour zone…
Taken on the 21st of May:
Taken later on the 21st of May:
Taken on the 16th of May:
9. An anonymous Rioter slipped this to us:
Outside the Information Sciences and Engineering bldg (ANU).
The marked area is a loading zone and beyond is a no-parking area going around a corner.
10. Claw ponders the big and small questions:
Saw this on a Friday night in the North Quarter end of the Canberra Centre carpark. If that’s their definition of a small car, wonder what qualifies as a large one?!
Big thanks to all our contributors this week.