Here’s a new twist on public consultation.
Jon Stanhope has announced that if you want to have your say on the new plan of management for the Tidbinbilla nature reserve (and, interestingly, Block 60 on Paddys River) you’ll need to pre-register for, and then attend one of three closed “workshops”. The workshops start today and run through to Wednesday.
One has no doubt that once the convenors are done and the results are assimilated and moderated this consultation will produced the desired outcomes.
Oh but wait… While the announcement of this process was made today, the registrations for the workshops closed last week:
- “Register for a workshop by emailing or by calling CanberraConnect on 13 22 81. Registrations close 5pm, Thursday 12 February 2009.”
You have, however, got until 26 February to comment on the discussion paper for what that’s worth.