26 July 2013

Northbourne Ave swerver

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Rik D has sent us another video of some foolish behaviour on the on the road:

This idiot swerves into the car in front of me along Northbourne Ave (southbound) and just misses

July 2013

More and more GoPros are appearing in cars and more and more videos of bad driving are being sent our way, I foresee a future of ‘Monday Bad Driving Videos’.

We’re not quite there yet.


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KB1971 said :

But the Lada Niva WAS an SUV, technically.

Not a very good one, but then Jeeps aren’t very good either, apparently.

Yeah, should have said Samara.

The Lada Niva was a 4wd, like a mini Range Rover. Define “not very good”? It is almost unstoppable off-road, with constant 4wd, low range, and a differential lock.

Not very reliable – but what would you expect of a vehicle with Fiat mechanicals, made in the Soviet Union?

Do I own one? No, I own several.

It still exists in a slightly modernised form in Russia and Europe, and I think Top Gear quite like it.

The Samara was a front wheel drive hatchback.


Come come now KB’71 surely you woulda realised by now that bundah is not the bloody messiah but just a very naught boy


justin heywood said :

KB1971 said :

bundah said :

Now this is yet another reason why I detest the recent phenomenon whereby sooo many sheep,apart from tradies who arguably need them,are acquiring 4WDs/SUVs. ie. they are much heavier than the standard small/medium car and compromise vision.The other more disturbing factor is that any collision involving a SUV and smaller car will obviously impact infinitely more negatively on the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Those in the gummint who have done little to discourage this idiotic trend need their heads read..

So, move to Russia, have your life controlled & drive a Trabant or a Lada Niva then.

But the Lada Niva WAS an SUV, technically.

Not a very good one, but then Jeeps aren’t very good either, apparently.

Yeah, should have said Samara.

switch said :

KB1971 said :

So, move to Russia, have your life controlled & drive a Trabant or a Lada Niva then.

Umm, Russia is no longer a command economy, you know. In fact, if you want to see some really unnerving road action just google “russian dash cams” eg:


I am we’ll award of that but making the suggestion that the government should stop people driving certain cars is pretty well saying that we should live in communist USSR ( or what used to be communist).

Fair dinkum, who the fark is bundah to tell people what they should do with their lives?

Self entitlement right there……. 😉

Anyone who is unable to comprehend why those who have absolutely no need for heavy SUVs and should,therefore,be discouraged by the gummint from owning one by paying much steeper rego/insurance is clearly not capable of seeing the bigger picture and clearly ignorant..

Of course one’s identification with entitlement is quite powerful even if misguided..

justin heywood9:11 am 27 Jul 13

KB1971 said :

bundah said :

Now this is yet another reason why I detest the recent phenomenon whereby sooo many sheep,apart from tradies who arguably need them,are acquiring 4WDs/SUVs. ie. they are much heavier than the standard small/medium car and compromise vision.The other more disturbing factor is that any collision involving a SUV and smaller car will obviously impact infinitely more negatively on the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Those in the gummint who have done little to discourage this idiotic trend need their heads read..

So, move to Russia, have your life controlled & drive a Trabant or a Lada Niva then.

But the Lada Niva WAS an SUV, technically.

Not a very good one, but then Jeeps aren’t very good either, apparently.

bundah said :

Now this is yet another reason why I detest the recent phenomenon whereby sooo many sheep,apart from tradies who arguably need them,are acquiring 4WDs/SUVs. ie. they are much heavier than the standard small/medium car..

Well they’ve got to over compensate something. Then they drive like the above driver to show what they are over compensating for.

KB1971 said :

So, move to Russia, have your life controlled & drive a Trabant or a Lada Niva then.

Umm, Russia is no longer a command economy, you know. In fact, if you want to see some really unnerving road action just google “russian dash cams” eg:


bundah said :

Now this is yet another reason why I detest the recent phenomenon whereby sooo many sheep,apart from tradies who arguably need them,are acquiring 4WDs/SUVs. ie. they are much heavier than the standard small/medium car and compromise vision.The other more disturbing factor is that any collision involving a SUV and smaller car will obviously impact infinitely more negatively on the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Those in the gummint who have done little to discourage this idiotic trend need their heads read..

So, move to Russia, have your life controlled & drive a Trabant or a Lada Niva then.

bundah said :

Now this is yet another reason why I detest the recent phenomenon whereby sooo many sheep,apart from tradies who arguably need them,are acquiring 4WDs/SUVs. ie. they are much heavier than the standard small/medium car and compromise vision.The other more disturbing factor is that any collision involving a SUV and smaller car will obviously impact infinitely more negatively on the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Those in the gummint who have done little to discourage this idiotic trend need their heads read..

So you want the govnt

bundah said :

Now this is yet another reason why I detest the recent phenomenon whereby sooo many sheep,apart from tradies who arguably need them,are acquiring 4WDs/SUVs. ie. they are much heavier than the standard small/medium car and compromise vision.The other more disturbing factor is that any collision involving a SUV and smaller car will obviously impact infinitely more negatively on the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Those in the gummint who have done little to discourage this idiotic trend need their heads read..

Really. Since when do you you want the government to start dictating to you what sort of car you should or shouldn’t be driving

Now this is yet another reason why I detest the recent phenomenon whereby sooo many sheep,apart from tradies who arguably need them,are acquiring 4WDs/SUVs. ie. they are much heavier than the standard small/medium car and compromise vision.The other more disturbing factor is that any collision involving a SUV and smaller car will obviously impact infinitely more negatively on the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Those in the gummint who have done little to discourage this idiotic trend need their heads read..

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