Last weekend I went to PAX which was full of some amazing cosplay, but that amazing cosplay took place on concrete.
This Sunday, people in ridiculous costumes will be attempting to do so on ice, which is way harder. I look forwards to it.
As well as costumes there will be several activities based around Japanese culture taking place, as well as food.
Sounds like a fun way to send off the ice rink.
The final “Cultural Sunday” for the 2013 Skate in the City this weekend will celebrate the intriguing Japanese culture.
There will be a Cosplay on Ice parade at 11:45am. The Japanese Embassy has provided prizes for a People’s Choice Award for the best costume during the parade.
‘Cosplayers’ wanting to be involved in the Cosplay parade should arrive at Impact Comics at 11am on Sunday. The first 25 participants to assemble in full costume will receive a complimentary ticket to the 12pm skate session.
Cosplay, short for “costume play”, is an activity in which participants wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea from a work of fiction and is a heavy influence on Japanese street fashion.
Three free Kimonos on Ice skate shows will take place at 11.30am, 1.30 and 3.30pm.
Japanese Calligraphy and Origami and Kendama (cup-and-ball) will be on hand to try throughout the day and delicious miso soup with pork & vegetables will also be on offer for the hungry skaters and spectators.
WHAT: Final Cultural Sunday for this year’s Skate in the City celebrating Japan
WHO: Figure skaters and Cosplayers
WHEN: 11.30am – 4pm Sunday 28 July.
Cosplay parade at 11.45am
WHERE: Garema Place, Canberra CBD