TEDxCanberra 2013 – Then. Now. Next.
Interesting people talking about interesting things. I do love a good TEDx talk.
This line up looks excellent, particularly all the performance poets.
Aaron Kirby – poet without credentials.
Adele Chynoweth – museum curator researching the narratives of the Forgotten Australians.
Amelia Filmer – performance poet finding what home is.
Brass Knuckle Brass Band – Canberra-based New Orleans style street funk band, and TEDxCanberra’s house band for the second year running.
Charley Lineweaver – coordinator of The Australian National University’s Planetary Science Institute, he also taught one of UNSW’s most popular general studies courses, Are We Alone?
CJ Bowerbird – Canberra performance poet and Australian Poetry Slam 2012 winner.
Dustin Welbourne – PhD student in biogeography at the University of New South Wales, and Master in Science Communication student at The Australian National University.
Evan Beaver – specialist in design, technical process, compliance and energy efficiency.
The Faumuis – a Canberra vocal group, these teen siblings recently completed their second album, The Acapella Project.
Fun Machine – Canberra-based Australian sex-pop quartet.
Geoff Aigner – Director of Social Leadership Australia.
Jeanette Purkis – artist and business owner who has Asperger Syndrome.
Luke Pearson – teacher, and creator of the social media project @IndigenousX.
Mark McCrindle – social researcher and demographer.
Mikaela Griffiths and Ruth Mirams – scientists making the world a better place for humanity through stories.
Poncho Circus – young emerging circus artists who develop new and exciting contemporary circus work.
Raus – a.k.a. Rory Stenning – is a Canberra based electronic music artist.
Tony Langer – Detective Sergeant with the WA Police and de-mining and bomb disposal volunteer.
Toby Wild – full stack developer, working on everything from hardware to database admin to user experience.
Tim Pearson – a trained mechanical engineer currently working on a PhD studying communication in Australian flying foxes.