3 October 2013

Exploring Asteroids: The Hayabusa Space Mission at Questacon

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Questacon regularly hosts talks by interesting people, this is the latest.

Dr Trevor Ireland from the ANU would like to tell you a thing or two he learned while working on the Hayabusa Space Mission..
Questacon still has a replica of the Hayabusa Satellite in the foyer I believe, which is totally worth a look also.

In 2005 the Japanese space agency JAXA in a world first sent the Hayabusa space craft to land on an asteroid, collect samples and then return to Earth. Dr Trevor Ireland from the ANU has been involved in studying the material brought back from 25143 Itokawa. Join Trevor for this talk as he outlines the mission including the recovery of the space craft in South Australia and how their discoveries are explaining the creation of the universe.

Dr Trevor Ireland is a researcher with the Australian National University Research School of Earth Sciences. His primary interest is the chemical composition of the early solar system.

Presentation suitable for ages 10 and up
Free entry to this presentation

Check out their Facebook page for more info

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