For the sake of historical completeness we note the Chief Minister has duly inaugurated the englarged cotter dam:
Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher, today officially opened the new Enlarged Cotter Dam (ECD) which will provide water security for Canberra for several decades to come.
“Canberra is a growing city and the investment in this major piece of infrastructure will ensure that the community has a secure and ongoing water source for years to come whilst also reducing the potential impacts experienced from dry periods and drought,” the Chief Minister said.
“The new dam increases the capacity of the old Cotter Dam from 4 gigalitres to 78 gigalitres which will increase the total water storage capacity for the ACT with its four main dams to a total 281 gigalitres.
“The ECD is the single largest component in the suite of water security projects and is a vital piece of the territory’s water security network which also includes the Murrumbidgee to Googong Pipeline, the Tantangara transfer project as well as the Lower Molonglo Augmentation project.”
“I would like to thank the Bulk Water Alliance for their professionalism in undertaking this massive project and thank the Board of ACTEW and Mark Sullivan and his staff for their dedication, oversight and management of this very complex project.”
The dam is currently at just over 30% capacity, is operational, is filling and is connected to the city water supply.
Apparently the dam is “evidence that Canberra is a 21st century city” which is rather exciting.
I thought we’d been a 21st century city for 13 years now, but what do I know.