The Environment Directorate is celebrating some talking tos delivered as part of their “blitz” on illegal fishing:
The ‘White Cod’ operation was in response to a number of reports of illegal fishing activities in and around Canberra’s lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The illegal activities reported range from people fishing with more than two rods to set lines, fish traps and keeping undersize native fish.
“Anglers should be aware that fishing activities are regularly monitored in the ACT with fines applicable to those found carrying out illegal conduct. Penalties of up to $5000 apply for contravention of the Fisheries Act 2000,” Mr Chester said.
“The operation outcome included officers speaking directly to over 100 anglers. Two anglers were given a verbal warning at Lake Burley Griffin and a third angler was found not to have a permit to use an electric boat on Lake Burley Griffin,” Mr Chester said.