28 September 2009

Swine flu here - *yawn*

| johnboy
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So there’s a case of swine flu here in Canberra, details to follow.

The bloke apparently has symptoms similar to a mild cold.

Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough, stay home if you’re poorly.

Also watching the ways this is spreading my guess is that it’s already endemic but if panicking makes you feel good then now’s the time.

Swine flu

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UPDATED: The ABC report on this is now online.

ANOTHER UPDATE: The CT’s report is also available.

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sepi said :

Children are kinda gross, in that they don’t wipe their noses, and drool all over their toys then share them with the next child. It is no wonder they give each other (and their parents) every cold that is going around.

C’mon Sepi, that the tame bit. What about crapping in their pants and reaching down into it and playing with it like it’s playdough? Now that’s gross (or as we used to call it, bathtime.)

Jim Jones said :

When in panic, fear or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!

Love it 🙂

sepi said :

Children are kinda gross, in that they don’t wipe their noses, and drool all over their toys then share them with the next child. It is no wonder they give each other (and their parents) every cold that is going around.

My children don’t drool. Perhaps you are still dealing with toddlers or pre-school aged children. My children use MSN and email and can write complete sentences. Further, none of my children are even in high school.

Maybe you should have written that toddlers and pre-schoolers are gross?

The definition of “children” or “child” can be very widely interpreted – as we have seen in this thread.

MWF, Sepi is about as child-loving as you can get! I, on the other hand, am loudly Childfree, so reserve your abuse for me. I’m used to Mum-Zillas spraying abuse at anyone who doesn’t worship their way of life.

The fact is, as Sepi pointed out, that this illness will find good hunting in schools and childcare centres, due to several factors. Kids being more susceptible to contagious illness and being contagious for longer, kids having poor hygeine practises, kids getting closer to each other than adults, and the propensity of some parents to send their kids to school when, let’s face it, the kids should be resting with their illness.

This puts kids who have compromised immune systems at greater risk.

Luckily, the national pandemic plan takes this into account, and if we move up the threat levels, measures will be invoked to force people to do the right thing.

Children are kinda gross, in that they don’t wipe their noses, and drool all over their toys then share them with the next child. It is no wonder they give each other (and their parents) every cold that is going around.

I think that closing down schools if need be is a proper decision. My child has a heart defect. If there is even a whiff of any kind of pig flu or anything else that may kill my child, I will use the Dr’s certificate I get to care for my child at home and use every single hour of my ACT Government paid carer’s, personal leave or whatever it is called to keep my child safe from something that might very well kill my child.

Everyone should keep their filthy germs at home no matter what filthy crap you might have.

I am fed up with all the filthy coughing, hacking, spitting, sneezing snot fueled people I see when I am out in Canberra or at work.

Message to the pubes: You are not being a martyr when you take your filthy germs to work with you. All you are doing is infecting other people with your germs and forcing your colleagues to take time off work when you were too selfish (or scared) to do so in the first place. Finally, while I am in a rant mode, wash your fucking hands and if your children are sick, keep them at home.

Fiona said :

If we had more sick days without certificates, I’d have taken more days off work this time around. As it was I took 2 weeks off, then another day a week later feeling like hell, because “feelinga little crap still” is hard to get into the dr for… and spending $70 to go home and rest? fun times.

ps. children are gross

I agree with you about the stupid sick day crap and the amount one has to pay for a Dr to state that one has a head full of snot and ought not to be at work to infect others. However, you wrote that children are gross. Either you are one of the witches that taught my child when he was in Year 1 and hate your job and all children but somehow are now an executive teacher despite hating children OR perhaps you are one of those immoral childfree children haters as exemplified on the usenet group: alt.childfree. I suspect you might be both.

It isn’t about how sick one person is though. He may have given it to hundreds more people, some of whom could get very sick. At the moment it is a disease for which we have no treatment.

The mortality rate is one in a 1000. So if everyone in Canberra gets it hundreds of people will die.

And the mortality rate is expected to go up as we go into winter.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy8:50 pm 26 May 09

I know the guy with the flu. Apparently he’s about as sick as if he had a paper cut.

If we had more sick days without certificates, I’d have taken more days off work this time around. As it was I took 2 weeks off, then another day a week later feeling like hell, because “feelinga little crap still” is hard to get into the dr for… and spending $70 to go home and rest? fun times.

ps. children are gross

Gungahlin Al5:03 pm 26 May 09


I think what people are saying is that *at this point* the global media is cranking this up into a mega event, when it clearly does not warrant such as yet. Precautions? Sure, and supported. Daily global tallies of deaths and infections that are in single or even double digits? Come on.

And then there is the hypocrisy of people ignoring the actual mega problem that is already there with health systems in some corners of the world so bad that 500,000 people can die every year from ordinary flu, but no-one bats an eye…

In Australia we have far bigger risks, such as a smuggled critter bringing foot and mouth in that is then spread nationwide through all the damn foxes etc.

Stop, collaborate and listen…

Are we back in the Cook speed limit thread?

captainwhorebags4:42 pm 26 May 09

“Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it’s time for our viewers to crack each other’s heads open and feast on the goo inside?”

“Yes I would Kent.”


Stop, collaborate and listen, Ice is back with my brand new invention

…and make you feel ten years younger, without leaving your home (handy in quarantine)… ; )

Thank goodness all levels of government will have spent hours and dollars developing crisis management plans to deal with the dreaded swine flu.

yeah, but guaranteed none will have contingency plans on how to serve their minister (presuming minister, too, does not succumb) with a third of the staff alive to work, and most of them taking days and weeks for bereavement leave and attending funerals!

Tonight on A Current Affair: Mexican P-plater zombie sharks set to terrorise the world. Experts predict millions could perish … we tell you how to identify one in your community & how to protect your family.

You forgot to mention that they live in Penrith, have Lebanese heritage and can tell you how to save thousands off you grocery bill…

What we need are fridge magnets to stop (start) people being alarmed.

Surely a cheaper (more responsible) placebo could be found.

Actually, the tamiflu IS the placebo.

Tonight on A Current Affair: Mexican P-plater zombie sharks set to terrorise the world. Experts predict millions could perish … we tell you how to identify one in your community & how to protect your family.


caf said :

sepi: There’s a fine line between an appropriately cautious response, and an overreaction that will cost lives in the future due to the “crying wolf” effect.

That’s already evident, the media reporting of swine flu has dropped by two-thirds since the initial hysterical panic over the ‘hundreds’ of fatal mexican cases (which turned out to actually be … seven).

And the bulk of Tamiflu in Australia has been prescribed by … psychiatrists. Surely a cheaper (more responsible) placebo could be found.

It’s not our best crisis response, Sepi. They are following the plan to the letter. So far I’ve been ticking the boxes that I remembered from it, and it’s really pleasing to see how all the states, and other countries, are in careful lockstep with everyone.

It might turn out to be nothing, or something, but either way, they’re following the plan that was carefully developed for this eventuality.

sepi: There’s a fine line between an appropriately cautious response, and an overreaction that will cost lives in the future due to the “crying wolf” effect.

sepi said :

It still could turn out to be really nasty. And even if it doesn’t, our govt should be acting as if it is a killer, in case it is.

So far I’m pretty underwhelmed by the response. I’d have been closing every school that had a hint of swine flu connection, testing everyone with flu symptoms, and recommending all travel be minimised unless really necessary.

If this is our best crisis response, we are in trouble if a pandemic does happen.

Sepi, your ability to be terrified of absolutely everything is a monument to something.

It still could turn out to be really nasty. And even if it doesn’t, our govt should be acting as if it is a killer, in case it is.

So far I’m pretty underwhelmed by the response. I’d have been closing every school that had a hint of swine flu connection, testing everyone with flu symptoms, and recommending all travel be minimised unless really necessary.

If this is our best crisis response, we are in trouble if a pandemic does happen.

Trunking symbols said :

I heard someone on the radio say that the entire population of the world will be dead within six months because of this swine flu. So I suggest that some of our more frivolous and lighthearted contributors pull their heads in . . .

I heard someone on the radio say you’re an idiot.

Trunking symbols said :

I heard someone on the radio say that the entire population of the world will be dead within six months because of this swine flu. So I suggest that some of our more frivolous and lighthearted contributors pull their heads in . . .

We could all be dead in six months from any number of things.

This is considerably less likely than many others.

Trunking symbols said :

I heard someone on the radio say that the entire population of the world will be dead within six months because of this swine flu. So I suggest that some of our more frivolous and lighthearted contributors pull their heads in . . .

I heard someone say on the radio that the zombie holocaust will claim us all in the next three months.

Trunking symbols said :

I heard someone on the radio say that the entire population of the world will be dead within six months because of this swine flu. So I suggest that some of our more frivolous and lighthearted contributors pull their heads in . . .


if it is that bad, why not have a bit of frivolity?

Trunking symbols2:32 pm 26 May 09

I heard someone on the radio say that the entire population of the world will be dead within six months because of this swine flu. So I suggest that some of our more frivolous and lighthearted contributors pull their heads in . . .

I’m not worried, I got some oinkment

Holden Caulfield1:40 pm 26 May 09


My husband currently has a cold, so I called the Swine Flu hotline, but all I heard was… crackling!!! OOOOOHOHOHOHO Sorry my post is just… SPAM HEHEHEHEHE. I need to get out more.

I suspect that the world is long overdue for a rash of shark attacks.

Yes, even in freshwater as they’ll mutate to adapt to global warming. Millions will die, mark my words.

Remember, you heard it here first…

mutant sharks rising up and attacking us en masse? saw a movie like that once.

and what has happened to the price of pork? not a damn thing. come on people, start panicking and drive the prices down!

sepi said :

I’m sure lots of asthmatics, pregnant people and other risk groups would also prefer it wasn’t on the loose.

Scoff away though if you are young and healthy – but remember – this is an unknown disease, and the second wave could be a lot worse than the first.

Yep. This thing has got world health people very worried, it’s not just “a flu”. Heck, every year they have to make decisions about what strains of flu to include in the vaccines, and many get left out. Yet this one’s got them all tense.

The real flu season starts when it gets cold enough to have the strain really hitting its straps. The icy temperatures in June should see that happening, and then it will start to morph. If it’s really as bad as the experts think it could become, those of us who aren’t hearty young animals might have something very real to be worried about.

July might be interesting but I hope it’s not.

Thank goodness all levels of government will have spent hours and dollars developing crisis management plans to deal with the dreaded swine flu.

deezagood said :

deezagood said :

If you believe the media (and I don’t necessarily) and my (far more trustworthy) local doctor, the world is long overdue for a killer flu pandemic that will take many lives … but I suspect the swine flu isn’t it.

You can’t ignore history Thumper.

Oh yes you can.

gun street girl11:48 am 26 May 09

deezagood said :

If you believe the media (and I don’t necessarily) and my (far more trustworthy) local doctor, the world is long overdue for a killer flu pandemic that will take many lives … but I suspect the swine flu isn’t it.

You might be right – but in the early days, it’s not a gamble anybody is willing to take.

Put it this way: you’ve found a new mutated virus, to which just about everybody’s immune system is totally naive. It is very similar to a virus that wiped out millions a few decades ago. You’ve got evidence that it can kill people on a small scale, and you know how it’s transmitted.

So what do you do? Dismiss it as a small thing when compared to garden variety influenza? Or do you assume the worst, make moves to contain it, thereby minimising its (still to be ascertained) widespread effect?

deezagood said :

If you believe the media (and I don’t necessarily) and my (far more trustworthy) local doctor, the world is long overdue for a killer flu pandemic that will take many lives … but I suspect the swine flu isn’t it.

You can’t ignore history Thumper.

If you believe the media (and I don’t necessarily) and my (far more trustworthy) local doctor, the world is long overdue for a killer flu pandemic that will take many lives … but I suspect the swine flu isn’t it.

Gungahlin Al11:38 am 26 May 09

The global fatality rate for ordinary flu is around half a million (as explained by a CDC rep on Radio National a week or two back.
Puts it in perspective doesn’t it? It’s like shark attacks vs car crashes.

But we should be happy for the media would otherwise have nothing to discuss other than more bloody Malcolm Turnbull vs Peter Costello. And some lucky folk get a cruisy week’s sick leave to tack onto their holidays.

Holden Caulfield11:29 am 26 May 09

sepi said :

…In the spanish flu it was the second wave that killed everyone. And actually in the spanish flu it hit healthy adolescents the hardest.

My grandmother remembered family get togethers shrinking dramatically after a whole lot of the older cousins died of spanish flu.

In contrast spanish fly has been responsible for creating new life.

gun street girl11:22 am 26 May 09

Jim Jones said :

In an average year, 30,000 people die of regular flu in the US alone.

True, but the hysteria over pork flu isn’t related to that. It’s related to the issue that this is a new virus subtype, to which most won’t have immunity. Hence, the push to contain any confirmed cases early, lest it turn out to be particularly nasty. Better to be safe than sorry and all that.

Sepi, so far the swine flu has killed an undisclosed number of people – the estimates I’ve seen limit it to double digits.

In an average year, 30,000 people die of regular flu in the US alone.

Just to go off on a tangent for a minute, I drove past a cyclist this morning that had been hit by a car on Mugga Way. The second I have witnessed in as many weeks. Perhaps the Dept of Health should ban cyclists, or cars, they seem to be worse for your mortality than the swine flu……. in Canberra’s inner south at least.

Well I’d rather not catch it thanks. And if my kids catch it I will be beside myself.
I’m sure lots of asthmatics, pregnant people and other risk groups would also prefer it wasn’t on the loose.

Scoff away though if you are young and healthy – but remember – this is an unknown disease, and the second wave could be a lot worse than the first.

In the spanish flu it was the second wave that killed everyone. And actually in the spanish flu it hit healthy adolescents the hardest.

My grandmother remembered family get togethers shrinking dramatically after a whole lot of the older cousins died of spanish flu.

gun street girl11:09 am 26 May 09

NoAddedMSG said :

This whole Swine Flu thing concerns me greatly, because it really emphasises just how little hope we would have of containing a zombie outbreak should it ever occurr.

No fear: the zombies already run the Health Department. 😉

OMG. Panic. My husband is 41 years old! I hope it is not him, he is equally as good a patient as jessieduck’s partner.

This whole Swine Flu thing concerns me greatly, because it really emphasises just how little hope we would have of containing a zombie outbreak should it ever occurr.

JB you telling me it OK to panic has taken all the fun out of it. Thanks mate.

Holden Caulfield11:02 am 26 May 09

Just heard on JJJ news that the man is 41 years old.

That rules me out then. Phew!

Hmm, well im coming back to Canberra today and so far i’ve been to ANZ Stadium, Darling Harbour, a few mexican restarants, a spanish restarant, an italian joint and countless trains.

While i’m not actually sick, according to the media I’ll probably get it anyhow if i’ve been near anyone even remotely mexican so hopefully I can buff Canberra’s numbers a little so they can finally put this place on the map!


When in panic, fear or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!

Keeps the media happy and the pubes in business. Just don’t mention that more people contract the normal flu and consequently die than from the piggy variety. Oh and that if you have access to basic medical services you’ll be fine. Wouldn’t want to ruin a good panic piece.

“I’m a teapot, I’m a teapot…”

Yes- stay home if you are sick. Two weeks ago I had a colleague sniffling all over my desk telling me how crook she was and then “like magic” I got a cold a few days later- then my husband got it* I just wish my colleague had taken a few days off to get better rather then spread the love.

*Actually, he had man-cold which is far, far worse and is like dying only with daytime TV.

Has anyone stopped shaking hands with people yet? I have tried, but it is just innately ingrained, and I don’t like the idea of spending half an hour explaining why I won’t shake hands, so I just shake hands anyway…

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