Having taken the free and rather convenient bus to Bruce Stadium last Saturday night for the Rugby I had plenty of time as we waited in several kilometres of traffic to ponder ways to improve the service.
Anyone who has been to an event at Bruce will know that the buses line up with cars as they edge forward to pay the car park fee, and then drive around in the dark looking for a space. While on the bus you save the hassle of driving and the fee (unlike those cheeky buggers who parked in the middle of the GDE), there is no time-factor saving and little convenience in taking the bus.
So my humble and cheap suggestion to encourage quicker buses, more patronage and happier event-attendees:
Simply put a gate in near the noise wall off Gungahlin Drive Extension, make it buses only and only open during events, and voila, quick efficient services in and out that you’ll actually want to catch. And buses from Civic could even use the new busway!