Disability service providers preparing for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can now apply for Business Investment packages worth up to $50,000 each, providing tailored professional assistance to manage the transition to the NDIS from 1 July.
The packages come on top of Governance and Financial Management packages worth $20,000, which have already been offered to seven organisations in the ACT.
“The NDIS will fundamentally change the way disability services are funded by putting the money in the hands of people with disability to choose their services,” Minister for Disability Joy Burch said.
“We have $12.5 million in funding from the Commonwealth Government to ensure the sector is ready. The ACT Government has been working with the sector and the National Disability Insurance Agency to invest this funding to ensure we can adjust to the new environment from 1 July.
“With five weeks to go, I am confident that the sector is on track.”
Investments so far include:
– Capacity Building workshops for people with disability, their families and carers
– community conversations, facilitated by a peer-led working group, to allow people with disability to share their experiences, develop confidence and build relationships
– the NDIS Organisational Readiness Toolkit, developed by National Disability Services (NDS), which has been used by 60 organisations so far to assess their preparedness for the NDIS, and
– the $20,000 Governance and Financial Management packages.
“We are now calling for applications for $50,000 Business Investment packages, which offer substantial professional advice and support on financial management, governance arrangements and business planning in the NDIS context,” Ms Burch said.
“These packages will help providers to work within the new NDIS funding system, develop new services, respond to areas of high demand, fill gaps in the market and establish partnerships to remain sustainable into the future.”
Also, families and carers of children using early intervention services are encouraged to attend an information forum next week. The NDIS Community Forum – Therapy in the ACT will be held on Monday 2 June 2014, 12-2pm, Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning, 51 Fremantle Drive, Stirling. To RSVP and for accessibility assistance, emailndis@act.gov.au.
(Media Release Joy Burch)