25 February 2025

Coalition MPs lining up to apologise to Attorney-General for trying to shut down his antisemitism speech

| Chris Johnson
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Attorney General Mark Dreyfus

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus will introduce a general secrecy offence aimed at Commonwealth officers. Photo: Supplied.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus says Coalition MPs are practically lining up to apologise after the Opposition attempted to stop him talking about antisemitism in Parliament – but the party’s leaders are not among them.

Mr Dreyfus, who is Jewish, spoke on the Hate Crimes Bill at the beginning of the House of Representatives’ most recent sitting week (Monday 10 February) and condemned the rising antisemitism sentiment in Australia.

“No government has done more to combat the abhorrent and shocking rise in antisemitism than this government…” he said.

“I have stood in the shadow of the main gate at the Auschwitz death camp, the site of a music festival that turned into a bloodbath and a [firebombed] synagogue in my own home …”

At that point Manager of Opposition Business Michael Sukkar – under direction from Opposition Leader Peter Dutton – rose to move a gag motion on the Attorney-General.

Mr Dutton, who has been campaigning on antisemitism in Australia, says the government has not been doing enough to stop it.

So when Mr Dreyfus began to passionately outline what the government was doing about antisemitism, the Opposition Leader didn’t want the nation to hear.

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A clearly shocked Mr Dreyfus told Mr Sukkar: “You are disgusting. I do not need the Leader of the Opposition or any of those opposite to tell me what antisemitism is or how seriously I should take it.”

Mr Sukkar nevertheless moved that the “member no longer be heard”. It necessitated a vote that was defeated 91–52.

The country’s most senior Jewish politician resumed his speech.

“I am the son and the grandson of Holocaust survivors. I went to the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz…” he said.

“The place where a million Jews were murdered, a place where my great-grandmother was murdered…

“And I say to members of this House, we have had a wave of antisemitism in this country. Right now, we need bipartisanship.”

Mr Dreyfus described during a media interview on Thursday (20 February) how many Coalition MPs had subsequently apologised to him over leaders’ tactics.

“An extraordinary number of Opposition politicians have actually approached me or contacted me in a range of ways,” he told the ABC.

“I’m not going to make their lives difficult by identifying them. But they saw what happened in Parliament was a mistake and they’ve apologised to me for it.”

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Neither Mr Sukkar nor Mr Dutton have apologised.

The Opposition Leader, who described the gag attempt as “proportionate”, used the day after the speech to suggest Mr Dreyfus had been forced to apologise to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for telling Mr Sukkar he was disgusting.

That was nonsense, according to Mr Dreyfus who said Mr Albanese described the gag attempt as “completely unacceptable”.

“I have not had an apology from Michael Sukkar … it was an extraordinary thing to gag,” he said.

“The gag is used very rarely in Parliament. To seek to gag the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth, when I’m talking about a subject as serious as this, and a subject as personal and as close to me as this, was wrong.

“And I think everyone in the Opposition realises it, even if not all of them have had the courage or the good grace to apologise.”

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Julie Lindner5:05 pm 21 Feb 25

Let all those that rabbit on about antisemitism go and stand in the shadow of devastation and blood-soaked streets of Gaza and experience their desperation instead of turning a blind eye to the slaughter that is occurring. In particular the Attorney General!

Tony Mansfield4:17 pm 21 Feb 25

Absolutely agree, with SEANO. TrumpDut continues to seed untold division for his own selfish gain and at our country’s expense. They exploit anything they can with no boundaries of decency or respect.

“Neither Mr Sukkar nor Mr Dutton have apologised.”…it’s bad enough that Dutton’s culture wars policy free zone has blown up in his face the fact that neither of them apologised for it says everything you need to know about Sukkar and Dutton.

The government’s response to the rise of anti-semitism in Australia has been so pathetic it needs a national enquiry. They haven’t even bothered to hold a national summit to discuss the issues so SkyNews in collaboration with the Jewish community held their own yesterday. Dreyfus spoke and thought it was a great idea to attack the opposition and the media. Not only was he roundly and rightly booed, people walked out while he spoke.

Chris Minns spoke and said he was ashamed to have had the October 9 Opera House protest happen under his watch. He received a standing ovation.

If the government want to claw back any credibility on this issue they should start by stepping up and treating the Jewish community equally. And stop following every comment about “anti-semitism” by referring to “islamophobia”.

As for Dreyfus suggesting opposition members are apologising to him for Sukkar’s comments, frankly that sounds a stretch.

“stop following every comment about “anti-semitism” by referring to “islamophobia””

Why? Is one of these false, non-existent?

Scylla – since October 7 anti-semitism has been publicly there for all to see – the Opera House, Woollahra, Newtown, Dover Heights, Ripponlea, Bankstown Hospital.
Even the Americans are noticing:


Can you point out any similar examples of islamaphobia ?

Good pickup JS, so there’s at least one islamaphobe out there. Sadly there seems to be hundreds if not thousands of anti-semites. Based on that dreadful defence of the Bankstown incident by the islamic councils last week, it might even be tens of thousands.

Defending Dutton’s antisemitic act with this pretence that Skynews’ interest in antisemitism goes beyond points scoring for the team is pathetic.

There are many instances of anti-semitism as there are islamophobia … neither is acceptable.

However, you seem to be inferring that the culprits are always muslim – when (arguably) some of the worst anti-semites are the white anglo Christian neo-cons (read: nazis), who were implicated in some of the incidents you cited.

PS Even on here you can discern that there is more than “one islamaphobe out there” … as indeed there are anti-semites

Treating the Jewish community equally would mean doing less than they already have. So you want the jewish community to receive the same level of support as islamic community faced during a 20 year war? I think war is atrocious and don’t support any side willing to engage. Muslim mates understand but jewish mates call me anti semitic. I assume you are jewish, Penfold, so is it anti semitic to be against war and therefore death and destruction are just facts of your religion and I should support? Or these extremists just as the muslim community claims about hamas?

Perfold, others have already answered your request, although more interesting is that you were incapable of discovering the obvious yourself.

I have seen also an earlier NSW Parliament report that over 90% of such personal attacks are on women. Brave.

Personally I have no truck with the religious beliefs of either Jews or Muslims (or others). Behaviours of some adherents of each are also open to critique, to say the very least. That does not justify abuse of either group or their property or worship-places merely because they hold to the religion.

JS – since October 7 2023 there have been far more incidents of Jewish people being targeted than other groups, this is just simple fact. It is a national problem. And when we see Islamic groups trying to defend the indefensible at Bankstown two weeks ago, it further highlights the problem.

I feel a bit sorry for Dreyfus having to defend his government’s dreadful record on this subject, at least he had the guts to front up yesterday. But the likes of Albanese and Wong have made it clear where they stand on the issue of Palestine ever since their university days and their actions since October 7 have reinforced that. The Israeli government has increased its threat level travel advice to “Potential Threat”. What an embarrassment.


No interest before 2023?

Explain how totting up a count of multiple offences each way is justification for any event.

Selective, or just another one-eyed zealot?

Scylla – if you need explanation about what happened on October 7 2023 then might one suggest a wider array of news sources ?

Besides the obvious anti-Jewish issues there’s a broader issue about the type of people should be granted visas to live in Australia. Dutton’s at least now talking about this especially in light of Tony Burke’s blatant political actions this week.

Oh spare us the Duttonesque dog whistling. It is not antisemitic, to see that there have been issues on both sides of this “war” and to want an end to the killing of innocent civilians – irrespective of their race.

And yes, the current Labor government has made clear, it will follow the long standing policy (of Australian government’s of all persuasion) of a two-state solution – which includes both Palestine and Israel. Both you and Dutton seem to forget this.

So, no source, just an attempt to focus on a single external event as if to justify a pretence there is no validity in the existence of Islamophobia as well as anti-Semitism.

What “type of people” should be allowed, Penfold? People as one-eyed as you and on your side? Can’t you feel the dripping of your own hot prejudice?

Wayne Ramsay9:38 pm 21 Feb 25

It seems many on this thread follow ABC news and only left wing media. You may aswell bang your head on your own brick wall than try to get relevant sense from these people. What you say is correct, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Unless they’ve been fed information from one side of the issue.

@Wayne Ramsay
PMSL at your jaundiced partiality … I guess, like you, we should all rely on that bastion of journalistic objectivity, Sky “right at night” news, to get balanced information.

Wayne I could cut and paste your comment and substitute “Skynews” and “right wing” media and it would be equally meaningless.

if you don’t have the critical thinking skills to assess news on its merits regardless of source you shouldn’t be talking down to people who can, champ.

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