So last Friday, I was getting out of work. I was in a meeting so I was wearing a suit, which ended up being perfect.
I was waiting at a crosswalk near Mooseheads in civic, and this lady wasn’t paying attention and walked into the street. She would have been about 30 to 35 years old. The street was pretty empty in both directions except for a bus in the outside lane that the lady didn’t see. The bus was coming in pretty fast, and I don’t know how she missed it, but to her credit there was some cars and vans that may have obstructed her view.
Anyway, just as the bus started honking and slamming breasks, I grabbed her and pulled her back. Should have probably made it anyway, but it made a pretty nice dramatic effect.
So this lady was really freaked out by the whole thing. She was sorta stuck in between thanking me, and catching her breath. So (and why I did this ??), I pulled out my PDA and said “This is Commander Navarrette, I saved the subject. The time is 5:12pm.” She had no idea what was happening and kept looking at me all dumb. So I said something to the effect of, “Miss, I need your signature to affirm that you were here and I stopped you from getting run over by that bus.” (I had seen startrek the night before).
I didn’t know what she thought about the situation, but I decided to press it a bit further. I opened my pda’s drawing pad and asked her to sign it, which is did.
I thanked her then followed up with “Your grandson is very important,” which immediately I reaslised was really dumb because she didn’t look like she was old enought to have grandchildren.
“I don’t have a grandson,” is all she said. I freaked out for a second, thinking I had just made a total ass of myself. But then I said “you will,” and gave her sorta a wink/smile.
The road was clear and I quickly crossed. She shood there for a few seconds and yelled out “wait!” but I was already in the carpark making a b-line for my car and pretending I didn’t hear her.
I have no idea what she though of the whole thing, but there was a number of people around by the end who looked a tad suspicious about what I said to her.