Inner North SEE-Change presents: Creating Urban Wetlands in Canberra’s Inner North
Edwina Richardson from the Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water will discuss a range of wetland initiatives for Canberra’s inner north, including Banksia St, O’Connor Wetlands , Flemington Ponds, Mitchell and Lyneham & Dickson wetlands.
Edwina is currently project managing the redesign & construction of the Banksia St, O’Connor wetlands which will serve to improve water quality in the Sullivan’s Creek catchment, increase urban biodiversity and provide an urban oasis.
She is eager to consult with and engage the local community.
As such, Edwina, in partnership with Inner North SEE-Change, and other local organisations is proposing a Spring Equinox Fair on the site possibly in September, to celebrate and publicise the wetlands project as well as promoting sustainability in our suburbs.
So come along and learn more about the Wetlands Project, and the positive impact it will have on your local environment. And for those interested in becoming more actively involved, come learn how!! All wecome.
Child minding and light supper provided.
Gold coin donation appreciated.
Monday 20th July at 6.30pm
O’Connor Uniting Church Hall, cnr Scrivener and Brigalow Sts, O’Connor
Ph 6161 4919 for more information