We have been engaged in a post on the involvement of the military forces in Iraq and Syria in recent days.
Be that as it may, has anyone spotted the rank hypocrisy of the detail of information we have on that conflict?
We know the names of the towns that are strafed, we know how many troops are on the ground, we know how many SAS soldiers are to be despatched. We know the number and type of warplanes and aid aircraft the RAAF are using in the Middle East.
Bu at the same time, we are denied knowledge of the “on water” operations in the Indian Ocean dealing with the “hordes” of asylum seeker boats. We have been given scant information on Operation Sovereign Borders so as not to give the people smugglers advance notice.
But again, we have told the world, including ISIL what we are doing, when we are doing it and with what we are doing it.
And we wonder why we get a mention in the IS threatening post on the internet.
I can’t understand for the life of me why we need to be secretive about the boat people and so open about the war in the Middle East. If anything, I would have thought it better, strategically to be the other way round.
Mr Morrison says that the secrecy has contributed to the success of Operation Sovereign Borders. Does this mean that the openness of our strategic position will contribute to the failure of the Middle Eastern theatre?
I have seen some comment along these lines in the paper and on the radio lately but how many posters agree with me?