3 November 2005

The police need you

| Kerces
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ACT Policing is once again recruiting for their Volunteers in Policing program.

The jobs of these volunteers include helping members of the public at police station front offices, catering for AFP members at major incidents and events, helping out with school holiday programs and providing support at community events and outreach programs.

There has been much debate on RiotACT recently about what kind of a job police are doing and what they ought to be doing. Well here is your chance to actually help out the police instead of just whinging about them.

And for our police readers: what do you think of volunteers in the force?

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I never thought I’d get into a Police Academy discussion here Confused but I’d say you might be thinking of the later recruits from Police Academy 4 – Citizens on Patrol.

Absent Diane1:01 pm 04 Nov 05

it is pretty gay as it is!!

Police volunteers – Isn’t this how Mahoney, Hightower, Hooks and Tackleberry started out?

maybe we could get Mooseheads converted into the Blue Oyster Bar. 🙂

Absent Diane12:11 pm 04 Nov 05

That should of read ‘the jam’ model

Absent Diane12:11 pm 04 Nov 05

or the “Jam’ model??

As long as it didn’t morph into the ‘Clash’ model bonfire 🙂

when i create an act police force i’d use the ‘specials’ model used in the uk.

althogh act police are at a skeleton level, spoecials can be used for surge capacity.

if the police volunteers can replace police in certain posistions its a good community response to a problem of poor resourcing by govt.

ssanta, just shut up now.

the police volunteers are a great bunch of guys who do some of the background work that needs to be done, allowing coppers to get out there and be on the street.

In my experience of them, they provided the catering for our search team, which as you will probably agree, turning a sausage on a bbq isn’t the most difficult thing to do in the world to do, and enabled a copper to be out there on the streets.

police volunteers are cool.

Aren’t police volunteers those stupid freaking parking bastards? Another job you take after finding out you are too f**king stupid to become a copper in the first place.

I applaud the volunteers and I think they are a good temporary solution until we have another opportunity to get ourselves a government that won’t have the police running on skeleton crews as a business-as-usual situation.

A few of us were a little apprehensive when the volunteers started, but I can assure you those fears are gone now. The volunteers perform duties that used to tie up other staff and Kerces pretty well describes above. They meet and greet at the station front offices when Police are busy behind the counter, many of them provide a JP service and they are very nice people who perform a lot of work behind the scenes (such as catering for Police at major event such as demos and the like) which in years past was completely neglected.

I think the volunteers are great

I volunteer to get paid.

Here’s an opportunity for the Pratt to put his moneymaker where his mouth is

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