Two car-sharing companies, GoGet and Popcar, will provide Canberrans with access to small fleets of their vehicles as part of a two-year trial of the transport option.
Car sharing works by having a fleet of cars available to be booked at any time, day or night, with customers paying a fee determined by how far they drive and how long they hire the car.
Members of the program will be able to find cars near them and making bookings via mobile apps or online booking systems at www.goget.com.au or popcar.com.au.
The commitment to car sharing is part of the ACT Labor-Greens Parliamentary Agreement.
ACT Minister for Transport and Municipal Services Meegan Fitzharris said that by becoming a member of either service, Canberrans would be able to access a network of 22 cars parked in specially marked spaces around the ACT, including in Civic (ACT Magistrates Court car park and London Circuit/Constitution Avenue car park), Dickson (Challis Street), Russell and near the Treasury building in the Parliamentary Triangle.
“People can simply book for the hours they need, or for a full day,” Ms Fitzharris said.
“During the two-year trial membership to the service will be offered at an initially discounted rate, so I really encourage people to become a member and try it out.”
National Capital Authority chief executive Malcolm Snow endorsed the initiative and has contributed a number of car spaces on National Land for the short-term rental.
“The program has a number of environmental benefits for the ACT, as well as economic benefits for those who use it,” Mr Snow said.
“The car sharing program will use newer, more fuel-efficient cars, including hybrid vehicles. By encouraging sharing the same vehicle between a number of people, the program should encourage less car usage for individuals and fewer cars on the road. In turn this should mean less pollution and congestion on our roads.”