11 January 2006

Media Whore Snubs Canberra

| bulldog
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Most of you will be aware the Channel Ten stages an annual plethora of reality garbage. Some of you may even be aware that one fo the worst of these programs is Big Brother.

Without banging on about cheap-shot publicity stunts that the vaccuous (and seemingly sexually retarded) contestants have been known to dabble in after their fifteen minutes should well and truly be over, it seems that one of them has slipped under the radar and is still being recognised for all his hard work in the house.

Some of you may remember Tim Brunero from the latest (and foulest) airing of the Channel Ten cess-pool. If you can’t bring him to mind think of the weedy wannabe-intellectual loser with a penchant for research into male masturbation techniques. Anyway, this oxygen thief is now writing at The Chaser – and I use the term ‘writing’ very loosley.

It seems Tim has just been to the fine nation of Singapore. I say ‘fine’ because you can’t do sh!t in that joint without being fined. Personal opinions and observations about Singapore aside; Tim makes an unwarranted and unfounded comparison between Singapore and Canberra.

Singapore is a cross between a hospital, a workplace and a shopping centre. The place has no soul – it’s like Canberra, but even more sterile. There is a monied middle class, but nothing that usually goes with it in the modern world. Singapore is like medieval England with more gadgets.

There is no culture, no spontaneity, no organic grit, no sophistication, no cosmopolitanism, no body politic, and no alternative ideas. But it gave me an excellent taste of what 1950’s Australia was like.

I say screw you loser – what would you do to try and make Canberra more like your beloved Newtown? If being ‘sterile’ means that there is a distinct shortage of self opinionated, psuedo-intellectual idiots like this clown-shoes, then sterile me up.

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From what I know of Tim, he’s a bit of a wanker. (Pun intended).

I think to make Canberra more exciting and lovely, the local council might want to try mowing some of the grass verges that make the city look more like an african expanse than the capital of Australia.

I know it’s not art, pop culture and all the rest, but it’s one of the first things I notice about the place, and the flow on effect is enormous.

Jane Hansard5:09 pm 29 Jan 06

Interesting – from what I know of Tim (excellent cross-country skier etc) he would actually love the Bush Capital if he spent some time here.

Canberra suffers from isolation to a degree. Hey, we have alot of cafe’s…thats gotto be a good thing. Right ? Eating pompous pasta dishes makes u cultured and most of all SOPHISTICATEd.

It is ok to eat pasta dishes from abroad with the money earnt in public service roles. But when it comes to art, imagination, we suffer tremendously. I believe that the simple idea of painting the traffic boxes could be taken to other areas. We need more capacity for artistic input. Maybe we could put more emphasis on different subjects at school. However this could be a problem considering the amound of parents employed in dreery PS jobs. Let us be open to new ideas. Let us develop civic further. Let us paint the walls with colour. Let us stride for true artistic depth. Can it be done ? Is anything I said worth reading ? I have no idea…

*plink plink*

Yes, but if you click on the button at right, and install the toolbar, Google gives the lovely people who run this wonderful site $1.

I thought you did that on purpose, Kerces. I thought it was quite funny. But now I know better, it’s not funny. Not funny at all. 😛

and obviously I didn’t just use it…

JR: If you’re using Firefox as your browser, click the “get firefox with google toolbar” button on the right. The Google toolbar has a speelchecker as part of it that’ll check anything you type (so long as you remember to use it…)

Apologies Paul McDermott… DOH!

Bulldog: I remember seeing DAAS live a number of times in the early days (as well as Tim Ferguson when they did GNW live at the Canberra Theatre) and there were always a couple of digs at Canberra.

I can’t recall condoning Canberra-bashing from any other comedians, let alone anyone else – care to jog our memories or are you making more unfounded assumptions? Not saying you can’t ask the question, but your attitude seems a little militant. Are you a local?

So it appears it is acceptable for (so called) comedians that are (or were) locally based are allowed to take the piss out of Canberra (thinking here along the lines DAAS and others)…. but if they are not local it is unacceptable?

Bulldog: I was going to say… is there a Spellchecker add-in for WordPress? And by the time I had realised I had used the wrong word it was too late to go back and edit the submission.

Tim has probably got alot of great “Knock Knock” and “Chicken that crossed the road” jokes as well. The usual Canberra cheap shot just shows that he isn’t very creative.

Canberra is (and probably always will be) an easy target for idiots who are boring, shallow and wouldn’t know “funny” if it came up behind them and kicked them in the arse.

The bloke’s only claim to fame is starring in a crap TV show that is designed by arseholes for arseholes.

Maybe we should get stickly Tim down to Canberra to show him what the place is really like. Remind him that we are an hour from the coast, two hours from the snow, have some bloody good nightlife for such a small city, shopping as good as the rest of the country, if not better due to the lack of crowds, less pollution, one of the most picturesque cities in the nation and no racial rioting on mass scale. Since when can you drive home from work in Sydney or Melbourne, during peak hour, and be home within an hour…usually.

Yup, me thinks we need to teach him a lesson that he’ll be too drunk to remember.

Absent Diane9:21 am 12 Jan 06

Canberra jokes are bottom of the barrel… tasmanian jokes however are far more amusing…

Good call lod, I suspect you may be right.

jr – What gave you the impression that I had assumed The Chaser was not a satirical publication?

Furthermore – had you bothered to read the article you may have noted that whilst Tim’s obvious contempt shone through, there were no other derogitory comparisons made about Australia. He was merely spouting the same tired one-liner about something he very clearly knows nothing about. Oh, and if you’re going to try and take the piss out of somebody, check your spelling lest the grammar nazi’s start circling.

Mael – if the above description does nothing to jog your memory then there is little else we can do. Well done to you and Thumper for not having been subjected to this tripe that tries to pass itself off as entertainment.

I don’t claim that post is particularly news-worthy, but it’s been a bit lean over the last couple of weeks so instead of bitching I thought I’d try and help.

Who is Tim Brunero ?

Can’t say I’ve ever heard of him before.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart10:45 pm 11 Jan 06

I was under the distinct impression that “The Chaser” is a satirical publication, in which case it is obviously going to have a bit of fun with stereotypes. I seem to recall a certain satirical CNN clone with excess amounts of the letter N which should help to prove that point.

For that reason, I don’t think Tim was in the least bit serious.

I should have said ‘vitriolic’, not ‘vitrious’. Vitrious was just uncalled for.

Nevetheless, Canberra’s not sterile nor soulless. Anybody who thinks it is is just looking for a place to label as such for the purpose of making a comparison or point. Tim Brunero, I don’t hold you in the same contempt that bulldog obviously does, but soulless and sterile Canberra ain’t.
We have just as many NIMBYs as Manly.
We are every bit as self-centred as Sydney or the USA.
We have just as many embittered, disillusioned citizens as anywhere else in the country.
We have just as beautiful an environment as any other town, and far better than any other city.
We have just as many vitrious anti-P.C. warriors as a country town pub.
Our students are just as poor as anyhere else’s.
Our B-grade wanna-be celebrities are just as good as anywhere else’s.
We’ve got the War Memorial. *salutes* Beat that!
We have our own airport that desperately claims to be more than it is.
We attract bogans from all walks of boganhood to the national tyre-vaporising and boob festival, the summernats.
We have our fair share of small, stupid little rivalries and big stupid little rivalries.
We have barbecues with our friends and family, just like anywhere else in Oz.
And it gets incredibly friggin hot here over summer, just like anywhere else in Oz.
And we swear every time we see a Victorian numberplate in our ‘hood, just like anywhere else in Oz.

We may have the misfortune of being the seat of federal parliament, but John Howard lives in Sydney so that eases the pain. Like any other city, a visit here won’t disavow you of your misconceptions – you’d have to live here for a while for that to happen. Canberra’s got just as much of everything that every other Aussie town or city has.

Bulldog: Good to see you know the difference between a Commedy and News site… NOT!

Well, he might have been a little harsh with the second line but imho the Can is maybe a little on the whitebread side. Didn’t we just have a passionate debate about the awarding of the Queanbeyan Showgirl prize and whether loud cars at 3 in the am is a major problem? 🙂

Dear Tim,

Not many hotels and shopping centres have a soul, you have to actually go outside. And no, stepping in and out of the car doesn’t count.

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